Your Ultimate Guide for Causes and Remedies of Itchy Eyebrows

Your Ultimate Guide for Causes and Remedies of Itchy Eyebrows

Itchy eyebrows are an uncomfortable and annoying situation for many. In most cases, this does not raise any need for worry and may simply arise due to minor skin issues.

The most commonly known causes of itchy eyebrows are hair regrowth, sunburns, insect bites, and dry skin. If one has injured themselves in the eyebrow area, healing wounds also can cause itchiness.

This article helps readers explore why eyebrows itch and explain possible underlying causes for the same. It offers suggestions on how one can treat itchy eyebrows.

Table of Contents:

Itchy Eyebrows Superstition

Itchy eyebrows are considered to be both a good omen and a bad omen depending on the eyebrow. If the left eyebrow itches, it is believed that one is likely to receive bad news. If the right eyebrow suddenly itches, it is believed that one is most likely to receive good news.

However, there is no scientific backing for this. If such a situation occurs, it may be a mere coincidence at the most. Itchy eyebrows are usually due to skin irritation and are definitely not indicative of one receiving good or bad news.

Why Are My Eyebrows Itchy?

Why Are My Eyebrows ItchyBelow are the following possible causes for itchy eyebrows:

Itchy Eyebrows After Microblading

Microblading is a semi-long-lasting tattooing technique that is used to add pigment to the eyebrows. Itchy eyebrows post microblading are a common occurrence as the skin is still healing post the tattooing session and adjusting itself to the new pigmentation in the eyebrows.  This is usually not harmful and ends within a week at the most.

Itchy Eyebrows After Waxing

One may experience itchy eyebrows post-waxing. The skin present in the eyebrow area is extremely sensitive and delicate. Waxing may cause irritation which further leads to itching. Itchy eyebrows post-waxing is a normal occurrence and is not usually indicative of any serious condition. However, persistent itchiness after a week is a cause for concern and may require medical attention.

Itchy Eyebrows Mites

Itchy eyebrows can be caused due to Demodex, which are mites that reside on the face, particularly in the eyebrow area. Typically, these mites are of no harm and reside on everyone’s faces. It is the underlying cause for itchy eyebrows in most cases. The situation can turn worrisome if the mites multiply and cause skin conditions.


A skin condition called psoriasis could be an underlying cause for itchy eyebrows. Psoriasis is a chronic auto-immune condition that causes the build-up of skin cells. Besides itchy eyebrows, one may also notice scales, soreness, redness, and patches of irritation in the eyebrows. It is best advised to visit a doctor and take medication for the same.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic Dermatitis, otherwise known as dandruff in the eyebrows can cause it to itch. This condition usually affects the scalp but can however be noticed in the eyebrows as well.  Symptoms if this include persistent itchiness and flaky eyebrows. One can manage this situation with proper medical help.


Diabetes is a health condition that could be a possible factor in causing itchy eyebrows. Not all diabetics may face itchy eyebrows. If the condition is poorly controlled, then there’s a high chance of experiencing itchy eyebrows. This is because elevated blood sugar levels can weaken the immune system further causing the eyebrows to itch.

How to Treat Itchy Eyebrows?

How to Treat Itchy EyebrowsMoisturisation

An underlying cause for itchy eyebrows could be dry skin, to tackle this one needs to apply a moisturiser or a hydrating cream to reduce the itchiness.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a very useful essential oil that can help tackle itchy eyebrows. It puts an end to any form of infection present and consequently, reduces inflammation. It can help treat fungal or bacterial infections that cause itchiness as well.


Sunburn is a common cause of itchy eyebrows. As a preventive measure, one can make use of sunscreen in the eyebrow areas as well.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice helps exfoliate the skin present below the eyebrows. This can help reduce dandruff and remove dead skin cells. One can apply lemon juice mixed with coconut oil and leave it on for 20-20 minutes to reduce the itchiness.

Avoid touching eyebrows

People often have a habit of touching their eyebrows without their own knowledge. The dirt present in the hands may cause bacterial infection in the eyebrows, which further causes itchiness. It is best to not touch the eyebrows frequently, especially with unsanitized hands.

Medicated Shampoo

If the itching is severe or due to a skin condition, it is best advised to visit a medical practitioner and use a medicated shampoo. This will help manage the condition and reduce the itchiness over time.


Besides tea tree oil, other oils like coconut, avocado, castor and jojoba oil can help tackle the problem of itchy eyebrows. These oils are known to retain moisture back in the skin and thus can eliminate eyebrow itchiness that arises due to dry skin.

Over-the-counter medications

Soaps, creams and shampoos that contain salicylic acid, tar soap, selenium sulphide, ketoconazole, sulphur and sulfacetamide can be highly beneficial in reducing persistent eyebrow itchiness. One must allow the product to sit on the eyebrows for a couple of minutes before removing it for effective results.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a plant that does wonders when it comes to treating skin issues. One can scoop up gel from the plant itself and apply it to the eyebrows. This helps relieve the itchiness and irritation within a few applications.


FAQsIs It Normal to Have Mites in Your Eyebrows?

Yes, it is completely normal for one to have mites in their eyebrows. Demodex mites live in every human’s hair follicles and generally cause no harm at all. If these mites multiply in large numbers, it can raise concern and cause skin conditions that require immediate medical attention.

Is It OK to Put Moisturiser on Eyebrows?

Yes, it is okay to put moisturiser on one’s eyebrows. It is necessary for eyebrows to be moisturised too. Due to the lack of oil around the eyes, the skin in the eyebrow area can be extremely dry. If there is a lack of moisture, it can lead to dry skin which further causes itching and flaking.

Will Skin Mites Go Away on Their Own?

No, skin mites do not go away on their own. They may only go away with medical intervention. One can use tea tree oil to keep away skin mites. Besides this, prescribed medicines help kill skin mites and help prevent further spreading and multiplying of mites.

What Can I Put on Dry Eyebrows?

For mild cases of dry skin, one can make use of essential oils such as jojoba, coconut, tea tree, lavender or avocado oils. Besides this, lemon juice or a mild moisturiser can be out on dry eyebrows. This usually helps tackle the issue. If itching still persists after this, one can refer to a medical practitioner and make use of prescribed medication to treat dry eyebrows.


Itchy eyebrows can be an annoying situation to handle and often drives one to surf the web about how to tackle it. This article covers all the necessary information that explains why itchy eyebrows occur and what could be the possible common reasons for it. Besides that, it discusses preventative measures that can be taken to avoid itchy eyebrows and also describes the treatment methods one can opt for as well.

Although the article provides sufficient information, it is best advised to take the advice of a medical practitioner if the condition is persistent and serious.