Why Do I Have Shaving Rash on Legs & How to Avoid It?

Why Do I Have Shaving Rash on Legs & How to Avoid It?

Shaving on your legs can leave some skin irritation, burning sensation, redness, and inflammation, which happens only because of shaving in the wrong manner. As a result, you can feel discomfort, pain, itching, and burning sensations, which can make you unfocused throughout the day. Also, if you need to keep your legs uncovered, shaving rash on legs can bring down your self confidence in your work environment.

In this section, we’re going to help you learn the right way of shaving your legs and how to cure rashes already on your legs. This information will help you keep the shaving rashes away.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Why Do I Get Shaving Rash on My Legs?

Here are some common reasons for getting shaving rashes:

  1. Razor burn: When the razor blades scrape that hair, it can also scrape away the topmost layer of the skin if you keep the touch hard.

  2. Ingrown hair: When the hair rolls back in the skin instead of growing up, it becomes ingrown hair. Shaving on the skin above an ingrown hair will trigger that ingrown hair to pierce your skin’s bottom layers, resulting in shaving rashes.

  3. Use of harsh chemical products: Shaving removes the topmost layer of the skin and using lotions and serums with harsh chemicals will cause skin irritation, which will convert into shaving rashes soon.

How Do Shaving Rashes Look Like On The Legs?

The razor can give you irritating skin with visible redness. The redness is a sign that the blood flow is increasing in the affected area. Along with that, you’ll get itchy there and scratching the area will give you bumps and more redness. Usually, red bumps denote that you have rashes due to ingrown hair.

What Factors Increase The Chances Of Getting Shaving Rashes?

Those with sensitive skin get shaving rashes easier than others. Along with that, shaving incorrectly like being too tight with the grip or gliding the razor too tightly will give you shaving rashes. If you’re using a dull blade, then it will contribute to shaving rashes.

Part 2: How To Prepare My Legs Before Shaving To Avoid Rashes?

Here’s how to get rid of shaving rash on legs before you shave them:


Exfoliating will eradicate foreign particles, dead skin cells, and relieve ingrown hair, which will help you glide the razor better. As a result, you’re less likely to get rashes because you don’t have to glide the razor too tight or make multiple strokes on the same area.

Warm Water With Shaving Gel

Washing your legs with warm water and applying shaving cream or shaving gel will soften leg hair. That way, the razor will cut the hair better and the risk of shaving rashes will be reduced a lot. You need to leave the shaving cream for a few minutes before shaving your legs.

Use Clean & Sharp Blades

Using clean blades means there’s less chance of microorganisms and foreign particles, which could otherwise contribute to skin inflammation. Using sharp blades means you don’t have to make multiple strokes and don’t have to keep the razor pressed too tight against the skin.

Follow the Proper Shaving Technique

  1. Always shave against the direction of hair growth to avoid ingrown hair and get a better cut.

  2. Keep the pressure of the razor light on your skin and don’t strike on the same area repeatedly because with every stroke will scrape a layer of skin.

  3. Wipe all the hair on the razor blade after 2 to 4 strokes so that those cut hair won’t affect your shaving.

  4. Keeping each stroke short will give you better control over your manoeuvres. As a result, you won’t get cuts and skin irritation.

  5. Stretching your skin will put extra pressure on it, tearing down the tissues of the topmost layer.

Part 3: How to Stop Shaving Rash on Legs: Treating Shaving Rash

Treat rash on legs after shaving through these techniques:

Be Gentle

Gently pat a soft towel on the affected area for a while to relieve sensations. Do not rub anything on it. Keep the touch gentle while patting.

Use Lotions & Serums

Gently apply a moisturising lotion and cooling serum that will calm down any burning sensations in a few minutes. Aloe vera gel is an excellent alternative to these products.

Buy Over-the-counter Remedies

If the rashes are severe and there’s minor bleeding alongside, then quickly buy over the counter antiseptic creams and calming ointments to relieve stress from the skin and give a cooling effect. Avoid using alcoholic chemicals like Dettol, savlon, etc.

Home Remedies

  • Ice packs are great to give an immediate cooling effect to the affected area.

  • In the absence of ice packs, you can use other cold compression methods like using a cold water bottle, etc.

  • Tea tree oil is a great home remedy to relieve burning sensation and inflammation in a short amount of time.

  • Witch hazel and oatmeal-based solutions are very gentle on the skin and relieve burning sensations shortly. Also, these natural ingredients don’t have any side effects.

  • In case of skin rash on your legs, please avoid tight clothing for whatsoever reason and let the skin breathe for a while. If possible, leave your legs uncovered for a few hours and keep applying lotions and serums to help your skin recover from the harshness.

  • If nothing is available, if the situation is severe, and even if there’s minor bleeding, the best home remedy is coconut oil. Coconut oil is one of the best natural antiseptics and moisturisers, which will heal your rash very quickly. You’ll get excellent results in 1 to 2 hours.

Part 4: Use Ulike IPL Hair Removal Device To Avoid Shaving Rashes

Shaving is very risky and it can give terrible results if not done properly. Alongside, shaving is a more frequent process to keep your skin hair-free, where a lot of people need to shave more than 3 times a week to maintain a hair-free look. Therefore, using an IPL hair removal device is a better alternative.

What’s An IPL Hair Removal Device?

A Ulike IPL hair removal device is a home gadget that works on the concept of intense pulse rays. It shoots light beams to the skin, which penetrate it, gets absorbed by the melanin in the hair roots and destroy it.

How Ulike IPL Device Works?

  1. The hair roots have melanin, which will absorb the light beams that the IPL device will shoot.

  2. When the light gets absorbed in the melanin, the light energy turns into heat energy.

  3. The heat is energetic enough to damage the hair follicle.

  4. When the hair follicle is damaged, the hair growing from it sheds and it becomes incapable of regrowing hair as healthy as previously.

What Are The Primary Results Of Ulike IPL Device?

New hair will regrow, but very late and finer than the last one. Continued use of this device once a week for a total of 8 to 10 times will give you long-lasting results, requiring no further attention to unwanted hair removal.

Why Ulike IPL Devices?

No More Frequent Shaving

Shaving becomes compulsory 3 to 5 times a week. Some people shave every day, which wastes so much time. Ulike IPL hair removal device needs to be used once a week, where each session barely consumes 10 to 15 minutes to cover your legs. So, no more frequent shavings.

Get Effective & Long-lasting Results

You will get very effective results if you have a light skin tone and dark hair. Since each session weakens the hair roots even more, you will get finer and less dense hair each time. This will give you long-lasting results and eliminate the need to shave entirely. Once you complete the treatment, you can get hair-free, smooth, glowing, silky, and soft skin on your legs for more than 6 months. Rest depends on the strength of your hair roots.

Convenient & Cost Effective

You’ll find it very convenient to use an IPL hair removal device because it’s lightweight and super fast. Also, it’s very easy to use and you won’t need special skills to use the product. On top of that, the overall cost in the long run will be much less as compared to salon treatments.


If you’re not shaving properly, you’re likely to get rashes on your legs. However, you can avoid them by shaving properly and using the best aftercare solutions. If you’ve already got rashes on your legs, then there are so many home remedies that we discussed in this article. Remember that depending on your skin type, you need to create a shaving schedule so that you don’t overdo it. If the situation keeps getting terrible every time, we suggest that you see a professional to find out why it’s happening.