Why Do We Have Pubes?

Why Do We Have Pubes?

Pubic hair is the appearance of hair in the pubic region post-puberty. This hair is vital for reducing friction during sex, preventing bacteria and microorganisms transmission and maintaining optimal genital temperature.

This article covers information on what is pubes and the functions they serve. It provides insights into the benefits and downsides of shaving pubes and how one must safely do it if shaving pubic hair is a desired option.

A lot of people tend to think that pubic hair causes infections and is unhygienic, others think that pubic hair serves no purpose but, that is not the case. Read further to know more.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: What Are Pubes?

Pubes are hair that appears on the pubic regions such as the abdomen, thigh, chest and genital area. The onset of appearance for this hair is usually after one attains puberty. Pubic hair serves the purpose of protecting the pubic area and is indicative of sexual maturity in an individual.

Pubic hair can be identified by its unique characteristics and features, which is, compared to hair in any other part of the body, pubic hair is much darker. It is also thick and coarse. Pubes usually manifest as coiled or wirey hair.

Part 2: Why Do We Have Pubes?

Why Do We Have Pubes

Sign of Sexual Maturity

Pubes are an initial and definite sign of sexual maturity in individuals. The onset of pubic hair begins post-puberty and can indicate at what stage of puberty one is at with the appearance of hair. It is also a sign of reproductive ability.

Protection from Bacteria

Pubic hair protects the skin from being infected by bacteria, it traps the bacteria. It is vital to wash pubic hair often to prevent the trapped bacteria from growing and fostering infections.

Prevents Friction

Hair in the pubic region helps prevent friction that can cause skin damage due to tight clothing, sexual contact, exercise and other such activities. It acts as a lubricant layer that protects the skin from friction damage.

Prevents Disease

Pathogens and bacteria can enter the pubic area easily and cause life-threatening infections if not for the presence of pubic hair. Several painful UTIs, yeast infections, folliculitis, cellulitis and such are caused when pubic hair is absent.


Pheromones are smells that cannot be detected but can send chemical messages to other members of the species. It is believed that pubic hair traps pheromones and makes one appear sexually attractive to their counterparts.

Temperature Regulation

Pubic hair helps keep the genital area warm when it's too cold. It helps maintain a perfect temperature balance when the weather is too severe. This can help prevent excessive sweating or dryness that can lead to further infections.

Protection from Dirt

Pubic hair is similar to that of hair present in the nose and the eyelashes. This helps with preventing dust and dirt from entering the genital area, especially the vagina and further causing infections.

Functions Of Pubes

  • Pubes function to protect the human body from various infections, allergies and bacteria. They act as protective guards.
  • Pubes are natural insulators for the human body.
  • Pubes act as a sign of sexual maturity and sexuality. Few cultures and individuals view pubic hair as a symbol of attraction.

Part 3: Should I Shave My Pubic Hair?

Should I Shave My Pubic Hair

Shaving pubic is completely dependent on individual preference. Shaving the pubic hair makes no big difference but just keeps the area aesthetically clean. However, not shaving pubic hair includes many more benefits such as protection and regulation of temperature.  It is completely up to the individual to consider the below pros and cons and make an informed decision.

Why Shave Pubes: Pros Of Shaving

Here are some benefits of shaving the pubic for both females and males:


Shaving pubic hair can help keep skin hair-free and open the skin up to soap and water. This will keep the area clean and away from bacteria that get caught up in pubic hair due to sweat and other such factors.

Aesthetic Purposes

Shaving the pubic hair off makes the area down there look more noticeable and appealing. In addition to this, it adds a smoother look and finish. It is also known to increase sex appeal.


Pubic hair can often get in the way and get attached to clothing and athletic gear. This may be painful in some scenarios. Shaving pubic helps keep this worry away.

Prevents Itchiness

In a few cases, sweat can irritate the skin in the pubic area and cause itchiness because of the bacteria present. Shaving pubic hair will help tackle this problem and prevent itchiness.

Prevents Dandruff or Lice

As surprising as it may sound, pubic hair is also susceptible to dandruff and lice. This can be a tricky and irritating situation, to prevent such scenarios shaving pubes will be beneficial.

Eliminates Odour

For females especially, pubic hair locks in sweat and releases a strong unfavourable odour. Shaving pubic hair can help a great in preventing sweat accumulation and maintaining an odourless pubic area.

Increases Sexual Sensation

For both, women and men, shaving pubic hair off can help with increasing sexual sensation as there is no interference of hair and sensitive skin during intimate acts.

Why Keep The Pubes: Cons Of Shaving

Prone to Infections

Pubic hair serves as a safeguard for the pubic area. Skin in the pubic area especially is extremely sensitive. Removing the protection layer can cause bacteria to attack the skin and cause infections such as UTIs, yeast infections and such.


Shaving pubic hair causes burns and cuts to occur in the pubic area. Open wounds in such areas may cause potential harm if sweat accumulates.

Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair is a guaranteed consequence of shaving, it is when the hair springs back into the skin. This can be painful and make the skin open to further irritation and infections.


Cellulitis if not treated properly turns into a serious condition that arises from shaving. It is a bacterial infection that can cause redness, inflammation, swelling and pain in and around the infected area.

Itchy Regrowth

When hair in the pubic hair grows back, it is more of a tricky and itchy situation. One will not be able to scratch the Pubic area in public as it may look inappropriate.


The Pubic area grows hair much faster compared to other parts of the body. Managing and maintaining this requires a lot of time and effort. It can be heavenly time-consuming for those with busy lifestyles.

Part 4: How To Shave Your Pubes?

How To Shave Your Pubes

Here are a few instructions on how to shave pubes safely and achieve the best results at the same time


Slightly wet the pubic hair, make use of a scissor and cut the hair down to an inch long. This can be done using a clipper or hair trimmer, however, dry the hair before using these tools. Doing so will ensure a smooth process of hair removal without much hassle.


Exfoliation is a step that must be taken before shaving. Make use of a loofah or gentle body scrub to remove any dirt, dry skin or debris remaining on the pubic area, this will help shave closer to the root. Be sure to avoid harsh scrubs as this can damage skin.


Apply a decent amount of gentle shaving cream to the pubic area. Make use of fragrance-free shaving creams. After the application of shaving cream, use a razor and shave down in the direction of hair growth. Doing so will prevent follicle infections and ingrown hair. Rinse off hair and clean the razor after every shave.


Aftercare is a must-do after shaving in order to achieve the best results. Skipping this step can lead to skin irritation and dryness. Make use of a fragrance-free moisturizing lotion or aloe vera gel to keep the area moisturized.

Safety Tips While Shaving Pubes

Here are a few safety measures to take when shaving pubic hair:

  • Do not dry shave at any cost when shaving pubic hair. This can simply lead to bumps and razor burns. In a few cases, this may also lead to the growth of a lot of ingrown hair.
  • Shave in the direction of hair growth instead of against the growth, this will help achieve the best results without the growth of ingrown hair and will also prevent cuts and injuries.
  • Clean the razor with warm water after each shave, this will help prevent friction that can cause further skin irritation and will help achieve a smooth shaving process.
  • Use sharp blades when shaving the pubic hair. Contrary to the majority belief, dull blades are more likely to cause injuries than sharp blades. This is because dull blades require more pressure.
  • Dedicate a razor just for shaving the pubic area alone and do not use it for any other part of the body. Doing so will open up the possibility of contracting bacterial infections.
  • When shaving the pubic area, one can make use of a mirror when unsure about if the shaving is being done safely.

Part 5: Long-lasting Pubes Removal With Ulike Air 3

Permanent Pubes Removal With Ulike Air 3

Ulike Air 3 is an IPL hair removal device that works wonders. It uses powerful intense pulse light that targets hair roots, damages the hair follicle and breaks the hair growth cycle. This is a nearly painless and quick means of hair removal as it uses Sapphire cooling technology that reduces the impact of heat and pain.

IPL Hair Removal is a hair removal method that uses intense pulse light, these gentle light pulses or flashes penetrate into the skin and are absorbed by melanin substances in the skin, further stimulating the damage of the hair follicle. This breaks the hair growth cycle and causes it to go into the resting phase of hair growth. Further, this causes hair to naturally fall out and over time hair growth decreases in the treated area. IPL hair removal is a cost-effective method that saves time and produces the best and most long-lasting results at the same time.

How Ulike Air 3 Helps With Pubic Hair Removal?

  • Before Ulike Air 3 is used on the pubic area, one needs to remove hair in the pubic area by either shaving, using depilatory creams, waxing, or tweezing. After which one can make use of Ulike Air 3 to remove pubic hair.
  • Ulike Air 3 is a wand-like tool that is user-friendly and can be carried along everywhere. It is a tool that projects intense pulse light. This pulse emits mild radiation into the skin, this radiation is then absorbed by a pigmentation substance in the skin known as melanin. Melanin absorbs this radiation and stimulates the hair follicle in the pubice to go back into its resting phase.
  • This then causes the hair follicle to weaken and shed pubic hair. Ulike Air 3 helps pubic hair removal within 4 sessions. One can begin to see noticeable hair reduction within four sessions. This is a long-lasting hair removal method, hence post a few follow-up sessions one will have a hair-free pubic region with the help of Ulike Air 3.
  • It is essential to remember that even though Ulike Air 3 helps remove pubic hair long-lasting. It is strictly advised to not be used on the genitals.

Ulike Air 3 is the best hair removal tool one can opt for when it comes to long-lasting and hassle-free hair removal. It requires little to no time to get salon-smooth hair-free skin within a matter of few weeks. Unlike traditional hair removal methods like shaving, it requires no maintenance and management and does the job quickly.


Pubes indeed play an interesting role in a human body and that is why there are so many benefits related to it. It’s true that one can get uncomfortable with their pubic hair, demanding the need to shave them off. While shaving on such a critical area can be risky, using Ulike Air 3 for hair removal needs, especially on the pubic region is the most mature and sensible choice.