What is Beard Burn & How to Heal It?

What is Beard Burn & How to Heal It?

A beard burn is also known as a stache rash that is caused by hair rubbing against the skin which further leads to skin irritation. This occurs when the beard touches the skin. A beard burn can be caused due to several reasons such as if one is dry and sensitive, engaging in intimate acts such as oral sex and kissing, and having stubble and coarse hair.

This article provides all the necessary information on what a beard burn is, how it can occur, how long a beard burn lasts and how to heal it and prevent it from occurring.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: What Is Beard Burn: Quick Overview

A beard burn is a rash or a skin infection that is caused when the beard comes in contact with the skin. This usually occurs when one has ingrown hair, engages in kissing or oral sex, and has a poorly maintained beard that is rough and dry.

Here’s what does beard burn look like on different body parts:

  • Beard Burn On Thighs: redness, rash, and chafed skin
  • Beard Burn on Lips: red and sore lips
  • Beard Burn on Chin: rash and redness
  • Beard Burn On Chest & Breast: redness, irritation, chafing, and rash
  • Beard Burn on Arms & Hands: skin irritation and redness
How Can Beard Burn Occur

How Can Beard Burn Occur?

Beard burn can occur due to:

1. Beard Burn From Kissing

Beard burns that occur due to kissing are often the result of friction that is caused when hair rubs or touches the skin of the other person during the kissing. Such beard burns are seen around the mouth and on the nose.

2. Beard Burn From Facial Hair Friction

Beard burns caused by facial hair are usually the result when an individual's hair brushes up against the other individual's skin during skin-to-skin contact or through engaging in oral sex.

3. Beard Burn due to Dry Skin

Dry skin is a common cause for beard burns to occur due to the reason that it lacks moisture and can be easily infected and inflamed. Those with dry skin under their beard can experience beard burns.

4. Beard Burn From Oral Sex

This kind of beard burns are usually found in the genital area and are the result of facial hair rubbing down there, skin in the genital area is especially sensitive, hence it is common to witness a beard burn.

5. Beard Burn Due to Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is always vulnerable to infections, when the beard rubs against sensitive skin it causes inflammation which further leads to a beard burn. This can appear as reddish patches on the face.

6. Short Stubble Beard

As surprising as it may seem, beard burns are usually caused by short stubble. This is because such hair are abrasive in nature and can stab into skin causing beard burns.

7. Dry and Rough Beards

Dry and Rough beards are harsh in nature and can not only be harmful to others coming in contact with it but to the person with the beard as well. It is also abrasive and can cause friction leading to beard burns.

Part 2: How Long Does Beard Burn Last?

How Long Does Beard Burn Last

A beard burn usually lasts from one week to two weeks, depending on the intensity of it. In some cases, if the severity of the burn is too much, the beard burn may last for around four weeks. This also depends heavily on the skin type, those with sensitive and dry skin are likely to experience it for a longer period.

A beard burn most often begins as a red patch and can have persistent irritation and a burning sensation. Those with fair skin tones, will witness beard burns as red patches and those with deeper skin tones will notice swelling. Over time the affected skin begins to look and feel raw compared to non-affected areas.

Part 3: How to Heal Beard Burn?

A beard burn can usually be treated at home by following the below suggestions:


A dry and sensitive skin is usually the common cause of developing a beard burn. Make use of an oil free moisturiser to help unclog pores and nourish the skin.

Hydrocortisone Creams

Hydrocortisone creams can be used to treat mild cases of beard burns. This can help treat the burn and reduce irritation, swelling and redness. It is best advised to consult a doctor before using this cream.

Cold compress

Inflamed skin is a sure outcome of beard burn, use a cold compress to reduce inflammation. One can also make use of ice wrapped in a cloth to soothe the skin.


This is best recommended for beard burns in genital areas only. Using it on the face can cause acne. Vaseline helps deal with genital irritation caused due to beard burns.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is the best homemade treatment for most skin care issues. They contain healing properties that will help reduce inflammation and irritation that arises due to beard burns.

Oatmeal Bath

Oatmeal consists of natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Mixing colloidal oatmeal with warm water and then taking a bath with it will help treat beard burns and relieve the discomfort caused.


Cucumbers contain cooling properties, the affected skin may feel like a burn and cause frequent irritation. To tackle such discomfort, slice a cucumber and place it on the affected area for a couple of minutes.

Part 4: How to Get Rid of Beard Burn?

How to Get Rid of Beard Burn

Measures that can be taken to avoid beard burns in the future:

1. Skincare

Having the right skincare is crucial here, cleansing your skin and moisturising it frequently can help prevent beard burns from occurring. Using a moisturiser will help act as a barrier against beard burns.

2. Beard Care

When one does not treat their beard right, it causes a lot of trouble. Frequently shampoo and condition the beard and moisturise it with beard oil. This will help keep the beard smooth and avoid any friction from occurring.

3. Shaving it right

Shave and trim the beard to the right length. It is best advised to shave in the direction of hair as this minimises the threat of beard burns.

4. Use the right shaving tool

Using a good and quality shaving tool is vital, it is highly recommended to use a multi-blade razor with a lubricating strip to achieve a clean shave. Making use of the wrong razor can undoubtedly cause beard burns.

5. Practise safe sex

If the beard is a hassle during intimate moments, use protective measures such as a condom or any other physical means that shield the skin from coming in contact with the beard.

6. Avoid being intimate

If the beard or the moustache has been freshly shaved, it is best advised to stay away from being intimate for the benefit of both the individual and their partner, as freshly shaved beards tend to have sharp edges that can cause beard burns.

7. Trim the Moustache

Moustaches are usually the culprits behind beard burns around the mouth, to prevent this from happening, trim the moustache to the right length such that it does not brush against the skin.

8. Clean the Tools

All the shaving tools must be properly cleaned, and sterilised wash the razor with warm water to prevent dirty and dull blades which cause beard burns.


Beard burns are a hassle but however can be managed and treated at home, in some cases, beard burns do not necessarily require treatment and disappear on their own. This article covers all that needs to be known about beard burns. It provides information on what a beard burn is and how it is caused. It further provides detailed insights on how to heal from beard burns and how to take preventive measures to avoid such situations in the future. Further insights on what a beard could look like are displayed in order to help readers understand and gauge their condition.