A Complete Guide on How to Grow a Moustache

A Complete Guide on How to Grow a Moustache

A moustache is an accessory that requires maintenance and frequent grooming. Just like any other facial hair requires grooming,  one can achieve the perfect moustache by frequent trimming and shaping it to the desired styles.

Moustaches are a strip of hair between the nose and the upper, this kind of facial hair has been around for ages. The late 1980’s however popularised it. In modern times,a moustache is more of a fashion statement that is grown to achieve a macho and masculine look.

This article helps with understanding the basics of growing a moustache such as how to grow a moustache and how long it takes to grow a moustache. It offers insights into the factors that affect the growth of the moustache. Suggestions on how to groom a moustache right are also offered.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: How Long Does It Take to Grow a Moustache?

A moustache usually takes two to three weeks to fully grow. However, this varies from person to person and can be influenced by different factors such as age, genetics, and health.

Facial hair when compared to hair growth on any other part of the body is much slower. Facial hair grows up to only up to 0.3 to 0.5 a month. Facial hair growth undergoes three stages, anagen which is the growth phase, catagen which is the transition phase and telogen which is the rest phase.

Part 2: How to Grow a Moustache Faster?

This section elaborates on how to grow a good moustache faster:

  • Brush the moustache: After the moustache has reached an appropriate length, brush it daily to keep dirt and dust away. It is best advised to use a fine-toothed comb.
  • Use a Beard Oil or Balm: Beard care products such as oils and balms consist of nutrients, applying the oil onto the moustache will help the hair follicle receive vitamins and grow out thicker hair.
  • Consume a Healthy Diet: Hair follicles require sufficient nutrients in order to grow out healthy hair faster. Consuming a healthy diet helps with receiving nutrients. Make sure all meals consumed have a balanced amount of vitamins and proteins important for hair growth.
  • Exfoliate regularly: Collection of dirt and dry skin on the upper may hinder the process of growth. To combat that use a scrub regularly to remove any kind of dirt and dry skin from blocking hair growth.
What Factors Can Affect Moustache Growth Speed

What Factors Can Affect Moustache Growth Speed?

Moustache growth speed is affected by main factors such as:

1. Diet

When it comes to moustache growth speed, diet plays a key role. One must avoid unhealthy foods and consume a diet that contains vital nutrients. Nutrients such as iron, zinc, and vitamins A, B6, B12, C, and D are a must include in the diet. Proteins also contribute to healthier, faster and thicker moustache growth.

2. Genetics

One’s genes may affect moustache growth speed as the number of hair follicles present is decided by the genes. Those with ancestors with a slow moustache or no moustache growth are likely to face slow growth. On the other hand, those with fathers and grandfathers with a thick, fast-growing moustache will likely experience the same.

3. Hormones

The production of hormones such as dihydrotestosterone and testosterone determines the growth and the speed at which a moustache grows. Normal levels of testosterone production will result in faster and healthier moustache growth. Low levels of testosterone will cause slower moustache growth.

4. Age

Those who are very young are likely to experience slower growth of moustache. Moustache growth is faster and healthier during the ages of 25 to 35. It gets much slower post the late 30s due to health conditions and hormone production.

Part 3: How to Trim a Moustache?

Consider the below suggestions to trim the moustache properly

Select a desired style

Before resorting to trim, make sure to browse and research through different moustache styles and pick a style that best suits the face and personal style. Moustache styles can vary depending on length, thickness and shape. Doing so will help gain an understanding and construct a basic plan on how to trim to receive the best results.


The moustache must be clean and dry right before trimming. Use a cleanser which is suitable for the skin type and wash the face. Towel dry the face and moustache. Cob through the moustache to untangle hair and flatten it out. Wait until the moustache is completely dry before trimming it.  

Trim the Moustache

Comb hair down once again as this will help gauge the right length to trim it to and trim the hair according to desired style and length. To achieve proper symmetry it is best advised to start trimming the moustache from outwards and work the way to the centre. Trim the top of the moustache to maintain a clean look.

Clean Up

If there are any hair strands poking out, cut them off with a scissor. Reduce the volume of the moustache to best suit the face with a trimmer and scissors. Comb with a moustache brush or a comb and check for any hair that has not been trimmed to the proper length and cut it with scissors.


Rinse the moustache with water to remove fallen hair strands and then, make use of a beard or moustache oil or balm best suitable for hair type and skin type. Apply it onto the moustache and comb through. Doing so will help moisturise and nourish the hair and promote optimal moustache growth.

Some Moustache Trimming Tips

Part 4: Some Moustache Trimming Tips

Here are a few tips and recommendations to consider when trimming the moustache:

  • If using a trimmer, opt for the detailing head or the naked T-blade, as these blades will help clean up around the moustache and define clean lines.
  • When one has to trim and shape the beard it is best advised to alternate between each side while trimming, instead of sticking to one side as this will help achieve a symmetrical look.
  • If using an electric clipper, be sure to use a guard and then use the clipper to trim the moustache else it might cut off a huge chunk of the moustache.
  • For small precise cuts and to cut single hair, use a scissor instead of a trimmer as this will give a more accurate and precise cut.
  • It is best advised to trim the moustache every once in a week to keep it in shape. Shave around the moustache and trim uneven hair to prevent a shabby look.
  • Grooming is key to achieving a thick moustache. Exfoliate regularly with a face scrub to keep problems away and achieve a macho moustache. Make use of beard oil or balm after trimming. Regularly exfoliate the moustache area and cleanse it with cleanser or shampoo.
  • Shampoo and condition the moustache with a beard shampoo or conditioner before trimming it.
  • Cut and trim the beard at a 45-degree angle and follow along the shape of the upper lip line, leaving a tiny bit of gap between the nose and the moustache. Cut off and trim any nose hair that is seeping into the moustache for a perfect look.


Moustaches are a classic facial hair style that has lasted for ages and still, never goes out of style. They undoubtedly make one look more masculine and macho.  A moustache can be styled in many ways such as a natural moustache, a van dyke moustache, a handlebar moustache and others.

This article covers all the need to know about moustaches and its basics. After thorough research, it offers a basic idea on moustaches and suggestions on how to maintain a moustache, and rightly trim a moustache. Besides that, it also informs about the factors that could be affecting beard growth speed and provides tips on moustache trimming.