How to Get Rid of Tan Lines?

How to Get Rid of Tan Lines?

When you get a sunbathe, you’re likely to get tan lines. Tan lines occur on those body parts where you have your clothes on and that area remains deprived of getting enough sunlight. So, the area behind your clothing stays pale, while the area that you expose to the sun during a sunbathe will get darker and you will see a difference in your skin tone between the areas that you exposed to the sun and areas that you didn’t exposed to the sun.

We call it tan lines and in this article, we’ve explained what are tan lines, how to get rid of tan lines through professional methods and home remedies.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: What Are Tan Lines?

What Are Tan Lines

Tan lines are the pale lines on the body that don’t get tanned. When we sunbathe or tan our bodies using a tan spray or an artificial tanning lamp, some regions don’t get tanned and you’ll notice thick or thin tan lines. There are different ways how tan lines form irrespective of the tanning method.

  1. If you’re wearing clothes that have straps like vests, bras, thongs, etc., the area behind those straps won’t tan and it’ll create a tan line.
  2. The skin on some body parts overlap when we’re standing or laying. That’s called “skin creasing” or “skin folding” and when you tan under the sun even without clothes, the skin folds and creases will discourage some parts of the skin from tanning. That creates fine tan lines.

The most common areas where we get skin folds are our buttocks, elbows, and sometimes waist region because these are the areas where we get skin folds or skin creases. If you’re wearing undergarments, you’re likely to get tan lines on your back (because of the vest or bra) and buttocks (because of underwear or thong).

Part 2: How Long Do Tan Lines Last?

Here’s how long does it take for tan lines to go away- if the intensity is light, your tan lines should fade within 1 to 2 weeks. Sometimes it takes more than 3 or 4 weeks if you sunbathe for a long time or if you get a sunburn. If you get tan lines and still keep going under the sun, then tan lines will stay for a longer time.

What Causes Tan Lines To Stay Longer?

If you get tan lines, doctors suggest that you don’t go out under the sun until it fades. But sometimes tan lines can stay longer due to these reasons:

1. Lack Of Tan Lines Treatment

A lot of people ignore tan lines and don’t take proper treatment. If you got a sunburn even of a very low intensity, your tan lines need medical attention. Not treating your tan lines will not only make them stay for a long time, but it can even leave a scar as it fades.

2. Poor Moisturisation & Skin Dryness

Once a person gets tan lines, they will need to keep the skin hydrated. Not engaging with a proper moisturisation routine will only make tan lines stay long. Also, not drinking enough water or not taking liquids in ample amounts will dehydrate their skin and it’ll get dry. That will make tan lines stay for a long time.

3. Deep Exposure To The Sun

If you got exposed to the sun for a very long time, then the intensity of tan lines will be high and it’ll take a long time to treat. The best advise is not to expose the body under the sun anymore until the tan lines fade.

4. Slow Healing Of The Skin

Some people have naturally slow healing skin and in such a case, their tan lines will stay longer even if the intensity is low. Mostly, people with sensitive skin are also under the risk of long-lasting tan lines even of a low intensity.

Under the most common and normal circumstances, one’s tan lines should heal within a maximum 4 weeks timeframe. Those with normal and oily skin should notice fast healing.

Part 3: Useful Ways to Get Rid of Tan Lines at Home

Useful Ways to Get Rid of Tan Lines at Home

Tan lines will be problematic and the person who gets tan lines would definitely want to get rid of them as soon as possible. The first thing everyone does is try home remedies that we’ve listed below.


Exfoliation removes the top layer of the skin at a microscopic level and helps even uneven skin pigmentation. There are many types of exfoliation that you can try to even your tan lines like herbal scrubs, acid-based exfoliators, dermaplaning tools, or peels.


A good moisturisation routine is important alongside other home remedies to fade tan lines quickly. Keep drinking plenty of water and buy a high-quality moisturiser with a well-balanced pH value.

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies include aloe vera gel and coconut oil. Apply freshly obtained aloe vera gel to the area with tan lines and leave it for a few minutes. Rinse with cold water and follow this routine everyday.

On the other hand, coconut oil is helpful in evening any uneven skin tones including tan lines. Apply coconut oil on the tan lines and it’ll start fading them. None of these ingredients have any side effects to the skin.

Sun Protection

Wear clothing to protect the tan lines from getting worse if you need to go under the sun. Also, you should apply proper sunscreen with UV protection to get the same results.

Part 4: Professional Treatments for Tan Lines

If home remedies don’t sound promising and you need professional treatment for a definite solution, here are some of them:

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are professionally designed treatments to even tan lines at the earliest. They use a combination of chemicals that you need to apply to the affected area on the skin. Then let it sit and harden and you can peel it off. You’ll need to follow this routine until the tan lines fade.

Laser Treatments

Laser treatment is one way of treating affected skin cells with the help of lasers. The laser beams will target affected cells and destroy them so that new and fresh cells start replacing them that have the right amount of melanin.


In this method, the person treating your skin will remove the top layer of the skin that is full of dead skin cells using specialised devices. These devices have a very fine tip that removes the skin without much pain or it may even have crystals to get the same results.

Part 5: Some Tips to Prevent Tan Lines in the Future

Some Tips to Prevent Tan Lines in the Future

Tan lines can be painful and problematic, especially when treating them. No person would risk it to get tan lines again in the future and they’ll try their best to avoid them in the future. We’ve explained some ways by which you can prevent yourself from getting tan lines in the future.

Always Use Sunscreen Thoroughly

You should always apply sunscreen and body lotion before your next sunbathe so that only the right amount of sunlight penetrates the skin. This will help you avoid getting tan lines or sunburn.

Cover Your Skin With The Right Clothing

Wearing clothing that keeps the skin covered will help you prevent sunburn and tan lines easily. We suggest cotton clothing if you’re in a hot region or where you’ll sweat a lot. Recommended clothing colours are white or light shades instead of black or dark shades because white and light shades reflect most of the sunlight.

Limit Your Time Under Direct Sunlight

You shouldn’t stay under the sun for a long time even if you’re wearing proper clothing or have applied sunscreen because excess exposure to sunlight will start damaging the skin cells some time later.


Tan lines are unwanted but we can easily get them during a sunbathe or when tanning artificially. Luckily, we can easily prevent them using simple techniques and even if we get tan lines, there are so many ways to cure them. Some of the cures are home remedies that are quick, easy, and cheap, but if they fail, there are professional and non-cosmetic treatments. While these treatments have a high success rate, their high costs will make them out of budget for a lot of people.