How To Treat Dry Skin Under Beard?

How To Treat Dry Skin Under Beard?

What do you do when you grow a nice beard and instead of smooth, soft skin you are met with dry flaky skin underneath? You are not alone. As you will soon find, dry skin under beard is prevalent among most males. It is usually accompanied by an uncomfortable, itchy feeling that sometimes feels flaky. This condition can make beard grooming difficult, making it hard for your beard to look its absolute best. We understand how frustrating it can be and we have the right thing to help. Understanding why you are facing this issue in the first place will help you find the most effective treatments and the perfect solution to fix things!

 In some cases, the reason you have dry skin in your under beard area might be your skin type or genetics, poor grooming habits or a bad skincare routine might be the culprit. The first step would be to find out the root cause of the issue and match it up with the best treatment. It is vital to note that what works for you might not work for someone else and vice versa.

 In this helpful guide, we will explore all the possible reasons why you have dry skin under your beard, the best way to treat it and how you can keep and maintain a healthy beard with well-hydrated skin.

Why is the Skin Under My Beard So Dry?

 You might find the skin under your beard to feel dry and flaky, especially after a mild shave to shape things together. Sometimes it feels dry when you try to brush through it with some particles that might be flaky or dead skin cells falling off, even after a clean wash. There are several reasons why you might be experiencing these issues that can lead you to shave the whole thing off. To fix it, you should understand these factors and how they affect the skin under your beard.

Seborrheic Dermatitis and Dandruff

One of the common causes of dry skin under your beard is a skin condition known as Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. It affects your skin health, especially your scalp, chest, face, and beard. Usually, a lot more than dryness under the beard goes on if this condition is the root cause. You start to experience redness, discomfort and itchiness around your beard area.  If you do not have any of these symptoms accompanying the dry skin, it might not be the culprit. Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff primarily affect areas of your skin with a high density of oil glands like your beard. With medicated shampoos, topical antifungal treatments, good skincare habits and the help of an expert dermatologist, this condition is easy to control and treat.

Harsh Soap

The type of soap you use can significantly make the difference between a healthy and dry beard. Using the wrong soap does more harm in a single wash than you realise. Most common bar soaps contain fragrances and other chemicals harmful to your skin and pores. When you use these soaps on your beard area, they remove the dirt on you, the oil and moisture needed to keep you moisturised and hydrated. It is a prevalent occurrence when you use sulphate-based soaps and consistent use over time can cause dry skin in your beard area. Your skin then becomes very dry and flaky, causing a lot of itching and discomfort. Swap sulphate-based soaps with gentle, non-comedogenic cleansers to reduce dryness and discomfort. Check if your chosen cleanser is suitable for your skin type.

Long, Hot Showers

Soaking in a hot bath does feel good, especially after a long, stressful day. Before you take that long hot shower you thought about all day at work, you might want to know this first. As great as hot showers feel, sometimes they cause more damage than you know. Like harsh soaps, hot showers strip your skin of its much-needed natural oils, leaving it dry and flaky. Having hot showers consistently or spending too long in a hot bath will affect your skin’s natural moisture levels. If you take a hot shower, have a moisturiser handy and ready to replenish all the lost moisture and potential dryness.


Your genes can also play a primary role in dry skin under your beard. Research shows that there might be a link between your genetic makeup and seborrheic dermatitis which might cause the dry skin under your beard. It shows that sometimes, it is not about what you are doing wrong or right. In cases like this, habit changes and minor adjustments might be enough to make a change. You might need more specialised and streamlined treatment with the help of an expert dermatologist.

Harsh Weather

Environmental factors, such as harsh weather conditions, can affect your skin’s moisture levels. Arid climates, high altitudes, strong winds, and freezing temperatures can all contribute to dry skin, a condition known as xerosis. These conditions can strip moisture from your skin, leaving it dry and flaky. The best way to keep it under control is to use lots of moisturisers to help hydrate your skin, especially in dry seasons. Also, wear suitable clothing to help protect you from harsh weather that might harm your skin.

Poor Grooming Habits

How well you take care of your skin also determines how well your skin takes care of you. Your grooming habits go a long way to ensure you have healthy, hydrated skin. Bad hygiene can cause a buildup of dirt, oil and dead skin cells that clog your pores and leave you with dry and itchy skin. At the same time, washing your beard a little too much can strip away the natural oils that keep it hydrated and moisturised, leading to dryness. Finding the right balance and proper beard grooming routine can make all the difference in maintaining healthy beard hair and preventing dryness.

Diet and Hydration

Whether you realise it or not, you are what you eat and that includes the state of your beard area. Your diet and hydration levels can affect your skin’s health. Your skin needs essential nutrients and vitamins to help your skin’s health. The absence of these nutrients can result in dull-looking, dry and flaky skin. A well-balanced diet, full of vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids and a good hydration routine can help keep your skin healthy and moisturised from the inside out.

Here are some reasons you may be experiencing dry skin under your beard. Understanding these causes and which categories you fall into is the first step towards a healthier beard area.

How to Treat Dry Skin Under Your Beard?

Now that we have identified the possible causes, here are some of the most effective solutions. There are so many angles to consider when it comes to proper care of the beard area. Finding the right one for you can be a long and tiring process. We recommend a comprehensive and proactive approach incorporating the right products and an effective grooming routine. Here are some effective solutions to try out.

1. Use a Gentle Cleanser

A gentle cleanser for your beard area will give you better results than traditional soaps. They are mild, sulfate-free cleansers that help keep your beard area clean without stripping your skin of its natural oils. Some cleaners also have essential nutrients that help you retain the much-needed moisture and impurities that may clog your pores.

2. Hydrating Beard Oil

Keep your beards hydrated, consistently, especially if you have a dry skin type. If you naturally have a dry, skin type, a hydrating oil can help. Hydrating oils made specifically for your beard have the right nutrients and formulations you need to help keep your beard area hydrated. Check for beard oils containing jojoba, argan, or vitamin E oils for their exceptional hydrating ability, helping it grow soft, silky and healthy.

3. Moisturizing Beard Balm

A beard balm works in combination with beard oil. It is best for those with really long beard hair. These balms contain rich emollients like shea butter needed to seal in the moisture and keep both the beard and the skin underneath hydrated and healthy. A good beard balm will leave your beard looking silky, soft, and smelling nice.

4. Gentle Exfoliating Scrub

Throwing in an exfoliating scrub into your beard grooming routine mix can be a real game changer for your skin health. A good exfoliating scrub will help remove dead skin cells, dirt, and excess oil. Exfoliation helps your skin absorb nutrients from balms, skincare and other hydrating products. Doing this once or twice a week can vastly improve the texture and health of the skin under your beard.

5. Use a Wide-Toothed Comb or Brush

It is not enough to add on the products, you need to ensure proper distribution of these helpful products in your yard area. A wide-toothed comb designed for beards can help achieve this purpose. With a comb, you get a better distribution of the natural oils evenly and prevent tangles.

6. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is a must-have in your skincare and bear care routine thanks to its anti-inflammatory and moisturising quality. A small amount on the affected area can provide immediate relief from dryness and irritation making it an excellent addition to your skincare routine.

7. Consult a Dermatologist

In all you do, as regards your skin, it is always best to consult a dermatologist to get the perfect treatment and personalised recommendations. They can advise on your skin condition and the best products for your beard and skin health.

When it comes to treating dry skin under a beard, it is vital to note that consistency is key. Grooming habits and care solutions should not end when the beard area starts to look and feel better. It should be a continuous process.


Several factors can cause dry skin under your beard including using harsh products, genetic makeup, diet and poor grooming habits. Understanding what causes this in your skin type and adopting a balanced routine can help keep your beard area healthy and hydrated. Consult a dermatologist for the best, most effective, and personalised solutions.