IPL Ruined My Skin? Symptoms and Reasons

IPL Ruined My Skin? Symptoms and Reasons

IPL hair removal can give us a long-lasting or nearly permanent hair removal solution without pain. This is the main reason why everyone in England is excited about this hair removal method. However, in certain instances, people have complained “Despite the hype, my experience with IPL hair removal left my skin in worse condition.” This means that the IPL has the potential to ruin our skin.

In this article, we will tell you what are the symptoms that your IPL device is worsening your skin, what can be the potential reasons behind it, and what are the proper remedies to stay free from such a mishap.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: How Do I Know That IPL Hair Removal Treatment Has Ruined My Skin?

Long-term Pigmentation

If you are experiencing pigmentation whether hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation after you have started using IPL device, it can be a symptom that your IPL device is ruining your skin. Since IPL devices use IPL beams to treat the hair, there is a strong possibility that your skin tone might start changing abnormally for a long time.

Skin Burns

IPL beams generate a lot of heat underneath our skin’s surface and this heat can sometimes cause skin burns. Skin burns can occur if you are using the device at a high intensity, or if your skin is highly sensitive to tolerate the IPL heat, or if the environment is too hot when using IPL device.

Skin Infections

If your IPL device does not suit your skin, then you can get random skin infections like hives, skin allergies, and high skin sensitivity. If you continue using your IPL device, then there is a possibility that the medicines might become ineffective.

Long-lasting Itching

Experiencing constant itching, especially on the treatment areas during the months of your IPL treatment means that your treatment is ruining your skin. If you keep scratching unconsciously whether lightly or roughly, there is a strong chance of your IPL device ruining your skin.

Constant Pain

Sometimes some people complain about a constant pain that can be of different types. If your IPL device is ruining your skin, you might feel prickly like needles prickling you, pain in your muscles, or swelling that might trigger pain when you touch it; all these are symptoms of your skin being ruined from IPL.

Part 2: How Can An IPL Hair Removal Treatment Ruin My Skin?

Use Of Low-quality IPL Devices

Low-quality IPL devices are made using poor IPL bulbs and have no safety measures. Well-known brands design their products by focusing on user safety on priority such as ice-cooling technology, skin tone sensor, accidental IPL beam trigger protection, etc. Poor quality IPL bulbs generate poor quality IPL beams that will ruin your skin.

Using An IPL Device Incorrectly

Even if you have bought a high-quality IPL device, you need to use it correctly. This means that you should set the right intensity level and be regular and consistent with your routine. You should not skip or neglect post treatment care and prepare your skin before starting with the treatment. Furthermore, you should not trigger IPL beams multiple times on the same spot in one treatment.

Incompatibility Of Your Skin With The IPL Treatment

Not all skin tones are compatible with IPL devices. You should do a thorough study on your skin tone and its compatibility with IPL devices. Light skin tones with a maximum tolerance up to brown skin tones are acceptable. Dark hair is a requirement to treat the follicles. Coloured hair, blonde, or any light hair colours are incompatible.

Neglected Aftercare

Skipping or simply neglecting aftercare routine can give you skin burns and make your skin dry. It can feel itchy, prickly, or too hot after the treatment. Proper aftercare includes proper hydration and moisturisation.

Current Skin Conditions Can React With The Treatment

If you have an existing skin allergy or ongoing medical treatment, it can conflict with your IPL treatment and ruin your skin. You need to ask your doctor if you can use an IPL device if you have any ongoing medical treatment.

Part 3: How Do I Find Out If IPL Treatment Will Suit My Skin?

Learn About Compatible Skin Tones & Hair Colours

Compatible skin tones include:

  • Fair skin
  • Light skin
  • Light to moderate brown skin
  • Moderate brown skin

Compatible hair colours include:

  • Dark brown
  • Black
  • Medium brown
  • Light brown
  • Dark blonde

The best combination of hair and skin colours is a light skin tone with dark hair. On the contrary, the least effective combination is a moderate skin tone with moderate hair colour.

Confirm Your Medical History & Skin Condition

If you have a medical history of skin allergies or skin reactions or if you have had any notable disease of any kind in the past, then you will have to ask your regular doctor if using an IPL device will be okay for you or not.

Patch Tests & Trials Will Help Understand Better

It’s okay to buy a good IPL device and do a patch test first. Try it on your arms for a week. Do one session on the alternate days and do just 2 sessions. Notice any reactions or allergies for the next 1 week. If everything seems good, you should be fine with the regular treatment.

Part 4: Why Ulike Is A Far Better Choice Overall?

Ulike is one of the most powerful companies in England that is known for high-quality IPL devices. The latest launch Air 10 focuses on improving user satisfaction and experience so that no one can complain that IPL has ruined my skin. Ulike Air 10 is designed in such a way that it will give you the most effective results in the least amount of time without ruining your skin even if you have sensitive skin.

Ice-cooling Technology

The Sapphire Ice Cooling technology intends to keep the skin cool as all the heat stays secured in the hair roots. This makes sure that the IPL beams target only the hair roots and not your skin.

Skin Sensor

The sensors are in-built into the device that will detect your skin tone and adjust the intensity level accordingly. Ulike Air 10 will check for your skin tone before each flash and generate the right amount of IPL beams necessary on that spot.

Clearance From FDA & Dermatologists

The FDA has given a clearance to Ulike Air 10 and Ulike has got Air 10 tested by several dermatologists to get a clearance from them. A lot of dermatologists now recommend using Ulike Air 10.

Lovely Reputation With Satisfied Users

Ulike enjoys a streak of user satisfaction and excellent results. Since Ulike already has several successful products in the market, the latest launch Air 10 is sure to give an even higher level of user satisfaction along with even better results quickly.


We can be sure that IPL devices can ruin your skin if you are using a poor device or not using it correctly. Sometimes, lack of skin and hair incompatibility, inconsistent treatment routine, and neglecting aftercare can ruin our skin as well. In that case, we should try not to make these mistakes and use only the most reputed brands in the UK such as Ulike Air 10.