Ulike Air 10 vs Silkier : Which One Is Better?

Ulike Air 10 vs Silkier : Which One Is Better?

IPL technology is based on treating our unwanted hair with the help of IPL beams (Intense Pulse Rays). It is a handheld device that you need to place on the treatment area and trigger the IPL beams with a trigger button. The IPL device then generates IPL beams that pass through our skin to reach the hair roots. When the hair roots absorb these IPL beams, it starts turning into heat energy and damages the hair roots, which become weaker with each treatment session and the hair starts shedding. The result is a smooth and hair-free skin for a very long time.

This is an almost painless and highly convenient hair removal method, which the user will get in Ulike Air 10 and Silkier both. In this article, we have explained which device is a better choice overall for a general British consumer.


  • The Ulike Air 10 has a unique design that allows a better grip to it and is much slimmer. The Osmo Silkier’s design may resemble Nood Flasher 2.0.
  • Ulike has included several technologies in Air 10 including Sapphire Ice Cooling Technology™, SkinSensor, & SHR Mode. The Silkier model on the other hand gives us 5 levels of intensity selection.
  • The Sapphire Ice Cooling Technology™ will keep our skin cool and unaffected from the heat that IPL beams generate. Similarly, the SkinSensor will detect our skin tone and adjust to the right intensity level automatically before each flash, while the SHR Mode is very helpful in curing any stubborn hair that won’t be treated with a regular IPL device like Silkier.
  • Anyone can start noticing results in 2 weeks onwards if going with Ulike Air 10, while they will have to wait at least 6 weeks before noticing results with Silkier.
  • Some of the benefits of Ulike Air 10 over Silkier include treatment time. Ulike Air 10 can complete the treatment in 10 minutes, while a user will need at least 30 minutes to complete a full body treatment.

Let us further understand these models better from the table below:


Ulike Air 10


FDA Clearance


Not revealed

Estimated Treatment Time

10 minutes

30 minutes

Money-back Guarantee

90 days

No money-back guarantee


2 years

1 year

Technologies Used

Sapphire Ice Cooling Technology™


SHR Mode"

5 intensity levels


£369 (actual price) but £249 with summer sale


Visible Results

1 to 2 week onwards

6 week onwards

An Introduction To The Trending Models

Ulike Air 10

Over the years, Ulike has sold more than 40 lakh units in more than 17 countries, including Great Britain. Its target audience includes males and females of all ages above 18 who want to get rid of unwanted hair from their bodies and people of all skin types like sensitive skin, oily skin, dry skin, etc.

Ulike Air 10 is the latest launch in 2024 with advanced technologies that make it a step closer to permanent hair removal and painless treatment on all body parts including intimate areas. It uses SHR technology and dual IPL beams that no one will find in other rival products in the UK market. Some patented technologies that you will get with Ulike Air 10 include "Sapphire Ice Cooling Technology™, SkinSensor, and SHR Mode, which are the most distinct features that are not present in Silkier.

Osmo Silkier

Osmo’s latest product Silkier in 2024 is a top rated IPL laser hair removal device featured in awasreview.com that features a very sleek, cute, and feminine design. It offers almost a painless hair removal solution with minimal side effects that you should notice for a short time. Osmo claims to consume less than 5 minutes of our daily time for the hair removal treatment. Also, the company states that they offer a pain-free solution and their device is suitable for all women.

Which Is The Better IPL Device For Me: Ulike Air 10 Or Silkier?

If you want to find out which IPL hair removal device fits you, consider these aspects of each model:


When talking about the overall design of Ulike Air 10, it is very user-friendly because of the compactness, which will fit the device in the small and soft palms of a woman. Ulike has made its Air 10 model in such a way that it stands out in the crowd because of its distinct and unique design and appearance. Silkier on the other hand is very similar to Nood and you will find a lot of IPL devices of a very similar design in the market.

Technology Applied

Ulike Air 10 comes with several technologies including:

  1. Sapphire Ice Cooling Technology™: It cools down our skin as you progress with the treatment. The heat of the IPL beams will only work on the hair roots and this technology will keep the skin cool.
  2. SkinSensor: Ulike Air 10 can sense the colour of our skin on the treatment area and adjust the level of intensity accordingly. The adjustment will be automatic.
  3. SHR Mode: If someone has stubborn or coarse hair that is very difficult to cure, they can treat them using SHR mode. This mode uses a combination of intensity levels to treat the most stubborn and thickest hair on our body.

Silkier gives us the facility to choose between 5 different intensity levels based on our skin tone and sensitivity.

Effectiveness and Performance

Anyone can notice the effects of Silkier from the 6th week onwards when the hair density starts reducing and our hair should start falling from that point forward. If someone shaves their hair, they will notice a massive reduction in the hair regrowth speed, but this all should happen after 6 weeks of treatment.

Ulike Air 10 will show us results from the second week onwards for males. For females, they may notice results from the first week onwards assuming that they have less dense and finer hair than men. Ulike Air 10 also has dual IPL beams, which means double effectiveness. Silkier uses one IPL beam, though.

Pain Level and Comfort

Silkier and Ulike Air 10 have the lowest pain levels that you can imagine and the comfort is almost the same, where Ulike Air 10 is less painful because of the Sapphire ice-cooling technology that is in-built into it. But Silkier suggests that there can be some temporary side effects like rashes, redness, or itching, which may resolve automatically in one or two days.

Treatment Time and Convenience

You will need to give just 5 minutes to treat a small body part like an arm or face. But you will have to give 30 minutes to treat your full body. On the other hand, Ulike claims that its users can treat our full body in just 10 minutes. That’s because Ulike Air 10 has dual beams, which increase the treatment speed and reduce the overall treatment time.

As far as the convenience of use is concerned, expect a slightly higher level of convenience from Ulike Air 10 since it has a shorter treatment time. So anyone can use it quickly while traveling in a short time.


Ulike Air 10 comes with protective eyewear to keep our eyes safe from IPL flashes. Silkier does not ship with such equipment, though. Further safety measures in Ulike Air 10 include curved edges for better grip and Sapphire Ice Cooling Technology™. Both Silkier and Ulike Air 10 feature a safety system that discourages accidental flashes when the IPL beam is facing towards us. The IPL beams will flash only when it is in direct contact with the skin. Some more safety features state that Ulike Air 10 has got a clearance from the FDA and is dermatologically tested, while Silkier is not cleared by the FDA or dermatologically tested.

Customer Support and Warranty

Whether you go with Ulike Air 10 or Silkier, you will get fantastic customer support and after-sales service. For product warranty, you will only get 1-year warranty with Silkier, while Ulike Air 10 has 2 years warranty. In order to further attract more buyers, Ulike has launched a 90 days money-back guarantee, where you can try the product for up to 90 days and return it to get a full refund if you don’t like the device.


The sales package of Ulike Air 10 includes:

  • IPL device
  • Adaptor and power cord
  • Glasses to protect eyes
  • Razor
  • A drawstring pouch
  • Instruction manual

The sales package of Silkier includes:

  • IPL device
  • Protective cover
  • Charging cable
  • Instruction manual


You can buy Ulike Air 10 for £369 (original price) and for £249 with the summer sale. Silkier will cost us £129 with the company giving promotional and seasonal discounts of up to 70%. However, the quick treatment time, less pain than Silkier, FDA clearance, fast visible results, etc. make Ulike Air 10 worth the price.


Silkier is an affordable option that attracts many first-time users of IPL hair removal devices. However, for those seeking professionalism, advanced technology, and superior hair removal effectiveness, the Ulike Air 10 stands out as the top choice, despite its higher price. Since Air 10 comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee, any person can try it and return the product for a full refund if it is not up to the mark. Silkier does not give such a facility with its product.