Is Laser Hair Removal Worth It?

Is Laser Hair Removal Worth It?

To get hairless skin, there are short-term and long-term treatment options. Short-term includes shaving, depilatory creams, waxing, and tweezing. Long-term treatment hair removal options include IPL and laser treatments only.

Even though laser hair removal treatment is very popular across the country, a lot of people still have a doubt- is laser hair removal worth it considering all the time and cost associated with it? In this article, we’ll conclude whether laser treatment is worth it. If not, then what’s a better long-term alternative and how.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: What Are the Benefits of Laser Hair Removal?

What Are the Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a professional treatment that you can get at good salons only. Here are some benefits of this treatment:

Your Skin Texture Will Improve

While eliminating unwanted hair, the lasers also improve the skin texture. It can cure any uneven pigmentation, cure pimples, wrinkles, and give you airbrushed skin to some extent. As a result, the skin will look soft, cute, even-toned, smooth, and silky. It’ll feel very tempting especially when having sex.

You Will Get Nearly Permanent Results

Laser treatments are capable of giving long-term results that should be nearly nearly permanent if not exactly permanent. Although it’ll take some time to complete the series of treatment sessions, after that you are not required to undergo thorough sessions. Some minor touchup or maintenance sessions one a month or two will be enough.

Freedom From Ingrown Hair

Short-term hair removal options like shaving, depilatory creams, waxing, and plucking will give you ingrown hair, but laser treatments won’t. Even if you have any ingrown hair, the laser treatment will cure them.

Body Looks Well-groomed

Once the laser treatment starts showing results, your body will look very well-groomed and lovely. With no unwanted hair on your skin, it’ll look very professional and neat and clean. Long hair otherwise look messy and unprofessional.

Hair Regrowth Will Be Fine & Sparse

When the effects of laser treatment start to fade, new hair will regrow very fine and will be very sparsely located on the body. So, the laser treatments in the future will be less costly and less lengthy.

Part 2: Comparing Different Hair Removal Methods

Comparison Basis

Laser Hair Removal

IPL Hair Removal





Per session costs can be about:

 Upper lip: £85

 Underarms: £110

 Bikini line: £130

 Arms: £270

£249.00 (for the cost of Ulike IPL device)

Approximately £50–£250 for 1 hour session and about £30 for 15 minutes.

Waxing strips of a good brand like Veet can be £10 onwards.

A complete shaving kit for women can be £15 onwards.

Time Required

At least 3 to 8 treatments depending on hair thickness, density, skin colour, and how stubborn the hair are. This can take more than 3 months.

At least 2 to 8 sessions taking a total time of 2 to 3 months.

The treatment may take several months to complete if the hair are dense. Each session can be once a week.

Makes the skin hair-free in just 10 to 15 minutes.

5 to 20 minutes

Pain Level

Average pain that feels like rubber band snapping the skin

Very low pain that feels almost negligible.

Can be painful and uncomfortable because of the fine probe inserted in the skin.

Very painful because a lot of hair get pulled with great force.

Not painful but can be uncomfortable if the shaving process is wrong or if you get cuts or nicks.


Highly effective

Highly effective

Very effective against stubborn hair that lasers cannot treat

Effective against fine and coarse hair but the hair needs to be long.

Effective against short hair. Long hair needs to be cut first.

Duration Of Results

Results stay visible for several months

You can live hair-free for a year or even more

It offers permanent results in most cases

You’ll stay hair-free for about 7 to 15 days.

Hair will regrow within a few hours or within a day.

Suitable For

Those looking for long-term hair-free skin

Those looking for long-term, nearly permanent, and nearly painless results within a cost-effective manner

Those who need to treat their stubborn hair

Men and women who need to go hair-free in very less time.

Suitable for almost everyone who wants to get hair-free skin for a very short time or cannot opt for other treatment options.

Side Effects & Associated Risks

Risk of inflammation, scars, and hyperpigmentation.

Risk of procedure becoming ineffective if you don’t follow the right process.

Minor injuries and discomfort that can last for a long time.

It’s extremely painful and there’s a risk of skin tearing and ingrown hair.

Risk of cuts, nicks, ingrown hair, inflammation, itching, discomfort, razor bumps, etc.

Which Hair Removal Option Is the Best Overall?

Based on the table above, the best overall option seems to be IPL devices for long-term results and shaving for short-term results. But if we combine both these hair removal methods, we can get the best results.

How Can I Elevate The Effects Of IPL Treatment With Shaving?

When you start your IPL treatment, you should shave your hair first. This will allow more IPL beams to penetrate the skin. As you progress with the treatment, keep shaving your hair and you will notice less frequent shaves because the hair roots will weaken and new hair will take a lot of time to regrow.

Ulike Air 10

Ulike Air 10

Since IPL treatment seems to be the best option, you can consider Ulike IPL for the best results. Here’s how:

  1. Ulike IPL Air 10 features ice-cooling technology to keep the skin cool. The heat of the IPL beams will work only on the hair roots, keeping skin safe and secure.
  2. Ulike Air 10 senses the skin tone before each flash and adjusts the intensity to the required amount. This will keep skin safe from burns and hyperpigmentation.
  3. Ulike Air 10 is a one-time investment and you only need to spend money just once on the device. No device maintenance or any other charges are expected.
  4. Ulike’s Air 10 comes with dual IPL beams that keeps the treatment time to minimum. You can complete a full body treatment within 15 to 20 minutes.
  5. Ulike IPL devices work on almost all body parts and skin types, including sensitive skin while keeping pain to almost nil.

Part 3: Who Should Not Use Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

Incompatible Skin & Medical Conditions

Not all types of skin are compatible with laser treatment. Don’t go for laser treatment if you have dark brown or black skin. Also, if you have any medical condition related to skin like skin allergies, rashes, or extremely sensitive skin, then you should not take the laser hair removal treatment.

Potential Risks For Pregnant Ladies

Pregnant ladies undergo a lot of hormonal changes and fluctuations, which is why their skin becomes more sensitive. That’s why pregnant ladies should avoid laser hair removal treatment until a few weeks after their delivery.


Is It Worth Getting Laser Hair Removal

Part 4: Is It Worth Getting Laser Hair Removal: Concluding Facts

It’s worth taking a laser hair removal treatment if you can afford it and have enough time to schedule the treatments in your calendar. But if the treatment seems to hurt your pocket or if you’re not able to commit to the appointments every time, then Ulike IPL treatment fits better in your schedule. You can take the treatment any time, even at night and it’ll be very cost-effective. Also, Ulike Air 10 will eliminate your travelling time and cost.