BB Glow Treatment  Price, Results, Dos and Don’ts

BB Glow Treatment: Price, Results, Dos and Don’ts

The BB glow treatment is one of the most interesting cosmetic procedures that can give a person smooth, glowing, and silky skin on the face for a long time. The use of fine needles to inject tinted serum under the skin layers helps gain a glowing complexion for an extended time. This process can be slightly time-consuming but is worth it. That’s why the BB glow treatment is gaining a lot of popularity in England lately.

This article aims to highlight every detail that a beginner should have related to BB glow treatment. It explains dos and don’ts, potential risks, side effects, and price guide.

Table of Contents:

What Is BB Glow Treatment?

BB glow treatment aims to improve one’s skin texture and usually targets facial skin. The esthetician will penetrate microneedles and nanoneedles under the skin’s layers and inject a small amount of tinted serum. The serum is enriched with peptides, vitamins, and hyaluronic acid. The combination of these agents helps achieve a better glow, hence the name BB glow treatment.

BB glow treatment gives results similar to semi-long-lasting foundation treatment and helps even out the skin tone, which ultimately results in a glowing facial complexion. That’s the primary reason why it’s so famous among English ladies. The treatment can help minimise the overall consumption of makeup and cosmetics to hide the uneven skin tone.

Handling The BB Glow Treatment Gone Wrong Situation

Here are some potential outcomes that a patient can expect when their BB glow treatment goes wrong:

  1. Since there’s a need to insert needles into the skin, some people can develop allergic reactions after the treatment. The reaction can lead to redness, swelling, itching, or hives on the face.
  2. If the esthetician uses unsanitised needles, they’re putting the patient at very severe risk of infections that can lead to pus formation, redness, fever, etc. This usually happens when the patient opts for a cheap treatment plan or a poorly reputed salon.
  3. One can notice lightening or darkening of their skin if the choice of pigments is incorrect. Furthermore, uneven application of the serum under the skin can lead to uneven skin tone.
  4. In some of rare cases, the patients might notice the formation of granules or nodules under their skin after the esthetician injects the serum. These nodules and granules will appear as small bumps that may be visible with the naked eye at a close view.
  5. One can get scars on their face if the esthetician does not handle the needles in the right manner. Excess pressure on the face with the needles can damage the skin tissues, leaving scars behind as the wounds heal.
  6. Inflammation is one of the most common BB glow treatment bad side effects that one can avoid by opting for a highly reputed salon, or experienced esthetician, and ensuring that they’re using fresh needles in a hygienic environment.

BB Glow Treatment Before and After

BB Glow Treatment Before and AfterMost patients are fascinated by the BB glow treatment advertising, making them think that they can get the exact same results. However, the result on each body varies drastically, which is why it’s important for the patients to understand that it’s not mature to expect the same results themselves as advertised.

The primary purpose is to achieve a glowing face, but the patients must understand that certain faults such as acne, peach fuzz, and scars may still remain.

BB Glow Treatment UK Price

The complete process of BB glow treatment is done in up to 4 to 5  sessions. In some cases, the estheticians might suggest more than 4 sessions depending on the patient’s situation. Expected prices in UK are:

  • Single Session: £80 to £150 per session
  • 3 Sessions: £200 to £400
  • 5 Sessions: £350 to £600

BB glow treatment with dermaplaning treatment plans (expected price):

  • Single Session: £120 to £200
  • 3 BB Glow Sessions: £300 to £550
  • 5 Sessions: £500 to £800
  • Package with Maintenance Sessions, including Dermaplaning (premium package): £700 to £1,200

Dos and Don’ts After BB Glow Treatment


  1. One should follow the aftercare routine advised by their esthetician. The aftercare routine generally includes instructions on proper sun protection, exfoliation, face wash, etc.
  2. It’s always important to keep the skin hydrated, which is not confined to applying moisturiser regularly. Drink plenty of water and exercise so that the skin can get the hydration from the inside.
  3. Sunscreen with an SPF 30 will be enough to keep the skin safe from UV rays. There’s a risk of developing hyperpigmentation after BB glow treatment, especially when one spends too much time under direct sunlight.
  4. Always be gentle with the facial skin especially when washing it. Wash the face with soft hands, use a mild cleanser, and opt for chemical-free products that have no alcohol content.
  5. It’s highly advisable to maintain a proper follow up with the esthetician so that she can keep a check on the facial skin health and suggest any changes in the routine if needed.


  1. Never perform intense activities and heavy workouts for 2 to 3 days after the treatment. Heavy workouts and intense activities tend to put stress on the face, which can cause disruption in the placement of the serum.
  2. Picking or peeling the facial skin (intentionally or unintentionally) will cause skin issues and foil the purpose of getting the treatment in the first place. Please don’t do that.
  3. Do not take hot baths in saunas or anywhere. Don’t spend time in steam rooms for a few days after the treatment. Furthermore, splashing hot water on the face for whatsoever reason will cause skin issues, especially if doing so after the treatment.
  4. One should not expose their face to heat in any manner whether it’s a bonfire, campfire, hot water, steam, electric heaters, etc. In addition to that, exposing the face to dust, dirt, heavy smoke, etc., shortly after the treatment can cause skin irritation.
  5. Don’t keep the moisturiser on the entire time. Skin pores need to stay open for some time to breathe and dispose of waste through sweat. Not letting the skin sweat by keeping the makeup, moisturiser, and face packs all the time can clog the skin's pores.


BB glow treatment  how long does it lastCan I wash my face after the BB glow treatment?

Yes, one can wash their face after BB glow treatment but there are a few things they should consider. Washing the face harshly is very risky and can cause skin issues. Furthermore, avoid washing the face with hot or lukewarm water. Cold water is a better option. Using harsh soaps or cleaning agents with harsh or mild chemicals will be risky. One should consider using natural face cleansers, such as aloe vera-based. Splash water a few times and pat dry with a terry towel. Moisturise immediately, if needed.

Does skin peel after BB glow treatment?

Ideally, BB glow treatment is not related to the problem of skin peeling and one should not expect such a situation after the treatment under normal circumstances.

However, if the patient feels like their skin is peeling, it might be a coincidence. But if one feels that the situation arose due to the treatment, consider moisturising and see if the problem resolves in 1 to 2 days, because that’s the highest expected duration for the problem to persist.

If the skin keeps peeling, reach out to the esthetician and speak to them about the situation immediately.

BB glow treatment: how long does it last?

Most people should expect the effect of the treatment to last for 1 to 6 months. There are a lot of factors working behind the longevity of the treatment:

  • Those with oily skin should see relatively less duration of the treatment effect on their faces since oily skin breaks down the pigments quickly.
  • If one follows a proper skincare routine, they can increase the duration of the treatment’s effect.
  • Those who need to go under the sun for a long time may see the effect of the treatment for a short time.
  • Certain lifestyle changes such as smoking, poor diet, lack of physical activities, etc., can affect the duration of how long the treatment will last.


BB glow treatment is indeed worth it, which is why those who can afford this treatment often go for it. People, especially ladies in the United Kingdom are talking more about this treatment than any other cosmetic treatment to get glowing and smooth skin. However, owing to the fact that there is a risk of side effects and the pain associated with the treatment, one may rethink getting it done, especially for those with low pain tolerance and sensitive skin. Some alternatives to the BB glow treatment include foundation, chemical peels, BB creams, and CC creams, which can help get similar results without pain.