What Is Body Hair Bleach and How Do I Use It

What Is Body Hair Bleach and How Do I Use It?

Nowadays, bleaching has become one of the most popular options in body hair grooming, in which one can reduce the appearance of their body hair without removing them. We can see bleaching as a very common grooming routine in the entertainment industry and most of the celebrities bleach their body hair. In this article, we will explain what is body hair bleach, how one should use it, and what are the safety concerns related to it, especially if you’re a newcomer to bleaching body hair.

Table of Contents:

What Do You Mean by Body Hair Bleaching?

What Do You Mean by Body Hair Bleaching

The concept of body hair bleaching says that we use a bleaching cream on our body hair, let it sit for a few minutes, and rinse it off. This process will reduce the colour pigmentation of our body hair and more light will pass through them. As a result, it will appear as if we don’t have hair on our body if someone sees from a little distance. By bleaching body hair, we can skip hair removal like shaving, waxing, or any other hair removal method.

Can You Bleach Body Hair?

Yes we can bleach body hair but it’s not advisable to bleach any body hair. Usually men and women across the United Kingdom bleach their arms, legs, and facial hair. Sometimes they bleach head hair instead of dyeing but we recommend not to bleach head hair because bleaching can damage hair quickly and head hair is more prone to shedding than other body parts.

The Downsides Of Bleaching Body Hair

Bleaching body hair is getting very famous because of the influence of celebrities and public figures. But we should also think about the potential cons of bleaching body hair.

1. Skin Sensitivity & Allergic Reactions

Skin Sensitivity & Allergic Reactions

Bleaching can harm our skin, especially if we have sensitive skin. Moreover, it’s possible for some people to develop an allergic reaction on their skin because of bleaching, especially if their skin is sensitive or they are still very young.

2. Improper Results

It’s very common for people to get uneven bleaching results on their skin. Sometimes their skin might lose pigmentation for a short time as a side effect of bleaching. When bleaching, we should focus on following the process correctly or else it can ruin the entire result that we expect from it.

3. Excess Sunlight Will Penetrate the Skin

Excess Sunlight Will Penetrate the Skin

When we bleach our body hair, they lose pigmentation and this will allow more sunlight to pass through them. The hair will fail to act as a barrier to our skin against sunlight and this can cause our skin to darken if we stay under direct sunlight for a long time without sunscreen. Furthermore, the skin may burn or we may get unwanted tan, rashes, inflammation, or pigmentation.

4. Unexpected Skin Issues

Some of the most unwanted skin issues after bleaching our body hair include dry skin, itchiness, uncomfortable skin, or even skin chipping. That’s why it becomes important to keep applying a good moisturiser after bleaching once in a while.

5. Regular & Excess Bleaching Will Be Harmful

If one indulges into bleaching their body hair regularly, it can become an addiction and unfriendly to their budget. Also, hair will start weakening and we may notice hair shedding. If we still continue to bleach our body hair despite hair shedding, it might become difficult to regrow healthy hair.

How to Bleach Body Hair- Step-by-step Tutorial

Bleaching is a very interesting procedure that is famous among the youth in the UK. But it’s important to follow the proper process to get the right results without any side effects.


  1. Do a patch test on a small area on one leg or arm and check if bleaching is compatible with your skin and hair.
  2. Wash the area with soap and water and pat dry with a terry towel.
  3. Apply a moisturising cream or petroleum jelly so that the skin stays safe from the bleaching cream.

Core Bleaching Process

  1. Most bleaching creams and bleaching kits come with personalised instructions on the packet. Mix the bleaching cream with an activator as they have mentioned in the instructions.
  2. Apply the bleach mixture with a spatula on your body parts. We recommend a thin layer evenly spread all over the area. Wait for 5 to 10 minutes or as written on the packet.
  3. Wipe off the mixture with a dry and clean rug and rinse the remaining cream with cold water. Don’t scrub the skin in the process.



Moisturise and apply sunscreen. If the skin feels dry, itchy, or uncomfortable, apply more moisturising cream or we recommend coconut oil if there is any skin issue.

Why Is Patch Testing So Important?

We recommend a patch test before bleaching the entire body part because not everyone’s skin and hair are compatible with bleaching. Patch tests will also help you understand if you can follow the process alone and it will also give you a practical idea of how bleaching is done at home.


Can I Bleach My Body Hair While Pregnant?

Yes you can bleach your body hair during pregnancy but if your skin is too sensitive, then we recommend not to bleach body hair. Bleaching creams will excrete fumes in the air and inhaling them will be harmful for you and your unborn baby.

Does Body Hair Bleach Lighten Skin?

The body hair bleach can lighten the skin slightly for a short time as a side effect of the bleaching process. But the manufacturers don’t design bleach made for body hair to lighten the skin. To avoid minor lightening of skin during bleaching body hair, you should apply a good amount of petroleum jelly because it will create a barrier between the skin and the bleach.

How to Choose the Right Products for Body Hair Bleaching?

It’s very easy to choose the right products because you only have to look for a few things on the packet- skin sensitivity, compatible skin types, compatible body parts, and brand reputation. Some manufacturers design body hair bleach explicitly for sensitive skin too.

Does Body Hair Bleach Make Hair Grow Back Thicker?

No bleaching cream is meant to alter the thickness or length of the hair. They are meant to lighten the hair colour only. Sometimes bleach can make one’s hair look like their hair are thick because the chemicals sit on the hair and that adds to the overall hair’s thickness.

Choosing a Better Alternative to Bleaching- Ulike IPL

Choosing a Better Alternative to Bleaching- Ulike IPL

The overall use of a bleaching cream on body hair it to make them disappear without removing them. Bleaching is a very hectic and risky process and it can become expensive if one gets habitual of it. Ulike has developed a better alternative to bleaching and hair removal, which is Ulike IPL.

The Ulike IPL devices shoot IPL beams that penetrate the skin and reach the hair roots. This light energy then turns into heat energy and starts damaging the roots and you will notice weak hair that will start shedding automatically and new hair will barely regrow. The roots will weaken so much that new hair will not grow for a very long time, maybe 1 year or more.

Ulike IPL Vs. Bleaching Body Hair

While Ulike IPL has several benefits over bleaching, bleaching may prove to be a better option than IPL sometimes. Here is a comparison between both of them.

Why Is It Better To Bleach?

  1. Ulike IPl can take some time to shed and remove hair but if one wants an immediate effect, then bleaching will be a better option.
  2. If a person is more interested in making their body hair disappear instead of removing them, then bleaching is more preferable.

Why Is It Better To Use Ulike IPL?

  1. Ulike IPL is much better than bleaching if one is troubled by regular bleaching to make the hair disappear.
  2. IPL devices are inexpensive and highly effective, much cheaper than bleaching in the long term.
  3. Bleaching can be risky and dangerous to the skin and it requires one to be experienced before doing it themselves. But even an inexperienced person can use Ulike IPL devices safely and it is not risky or dangerous to the skin.


Bleaching is a process where one uses a bleaching cream on their body hair to lighten their colour so much that they feel disappeared. It becomes difficult for others to notice bleached hair, especially under sunlight. There’s no need to shave or remove hair and one can get ready in just 10 to 15 minutes. But since bleaching body hair is very risky and unsafe to the skin, there’s a much cheaper, better, and safer alternative Ulike IPL that will give months of hairfree skin without pain.