Why Do I Have Hair on Breast and How Do I Remove Them

Why Do I Have Hair on Breast and How Do I Remove Them?

Sometimes women can start growing hair on their boobs and that situation can look very frustrating for them. This can happen because of many reasons like hormonal imbalance, ageing, genes, or sometimes some medical conditions like PCOS. Luckily, there are some effective treatment methods that can control the problem of hair growing on boobs that should be within one’s budget.

In this article, we are going to do a proper study of hair on breast female causes, how to remove them, and how to manage the boobs’ skin and hair regrowth there.

Table of Contents:

Why Do I Get Random Black Hairs on My Breast?

Normally it is completely harmless if one has random hair growing on her boobs. Hair can grow on very uncommon places sometimes such as breasts and some women can get frightened when they notice hair there. We have listed some of the most common reasons below for why one might be growing hair on their boobs recently:


The Polycystic ovary syndrome is common in women especially if one is in their reproductive age. This is a hormonal disorder, in which one can also notice symptoms like irregular periods, ovarian cysts, or more. A lady can also gain weight, notice a lot of pimples, and hair growth on places where usually males grow hair. One can also grow hair on their boobs because of Polycystic ovary syndrome.


Women can start growing hair on their boobs anytime once they have developed their breasts. Sometimes ageing causes a one’s body to start growing hair on random places like shoulders, face, or even on their boobs. This phenomenon is not restricted to just older women, it can even happen to a young lady too.


If a lady has a history of women in her maternal family or maternal ancestors growing hair on their boobs at some point in their lives, then there is a high chance that the lady can also grow boob hair because of her genetics.

Side Effects Of Medicines

In some rare conditions, there is a slim chance that one can notice hair growing on her boobs as a side effect of some medicines. Generally a woman who undergoes hormonal changes takes medicines to keep a balance of her female hormones and that can trigger hair to start growing on her body parts randomly, including her boobs.

High Androgen Levels

Normally women have high levels of oestrogen and low levels of androgen, which is why they have fine and sparse hair on their body. But if the androgen levels start increasing due to any possible reason like food habits, medicines, ageing, etc., they can start growing hair on those areas where males grow hair normally and that can also include her boobs too.

How to Remove Breast Hair for Female?

A woman would definitely want to remove her boobs hair without skin irritation and side effects. Shaving is a very common hair removal option but it will cause skin irritation and can potentially give injuries because boobs skin is very fragile and soft. Also, the shape of the boobs are not very well compatible with razors, so try these methods instead:

Ulike IPL At-home Hair Removal

Ulike IPL At-home Hair Removal

Ulike IPL devices are getting popular day-by-day in England because it promises almost painless hair removal in a very cost-effective manner. Once one completes their treatment, they should get more than a year of hair-free boobs. The treatment should last about 2-3 months. 3 sessions per week for the first month, then 2 sessions per week for the second month, and 1 weekly session for the third month should give hair-free boobs without pain. Ulike IPL is very quick and a one-time investment and one does not need to be an expert in using the device.

Depilatory Creams

Depilatory Creams

Depilatory creams promise hair-free boobs in the next 5 to 10 minutes but the hair will start regrowing soon on one’s boobs. Depilatory creams are pain-free and will leave a pleasing scent on one’s boobs behind that can last for more than a day. These creams can be expensive because one will need to keep using them regularly 2 to 4 times a week, depending on how soon the hair will reappear on their boobs.

Waxing Strips

Waxing Strips

If someone is able to tolerate some amount of pain, then waxing strips such as Veet waxing strips are very popular in England. They are easily available and they promise hair-free boobs for a much longer time than depilatory creams. We anticipate that one should get about a week of hair-free boobs but they should also think about the pain that they will go through with each treatment. It shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to do waxing.

Laser Treatment

Laser Treatment

Laser treatments will give you hair-free boobs for more than a year if you choose your salon wisely. It’s similar to Ulike IPL treatment. You will go through a series of regular sessions at the salon and they will treat your boobs hair using lasers. But women may not feel comfortable if someone touches or sees their boobs. Also, this is one of the most expensive treatments in the market and you cannot skip sessions, so it can disturb your daily schedule.



One can try medications that your doctor may prescribe to control hair growth on their boobs but medicines can have side effects too. Also, this is not a guaranteed solution and it’s very difficult to tell how much time it will take to cure hair on one’s boobs through medication.



Electrolysis is also one of long-term hair removal solutions where they will treat boobs hair by inserting a thin probe and passing some eclectic current to kill the hair roots. But this method is expensive, very time-consuming, and painful, especially on the boobs. Again, not all women are comfortable if someone sees or touches their boobs.

How Can I Prevent & Manage Boob Hair Regrowth?

How Can I Prevent & Manage Boob Hair Regrowth

Try Long-term Hair Removal Solutions

Unfortunately short-term hair removal will be expensive and the hair will start regrowing in just 2-3 days. And once one’s hair on their boobs get about 1 mm long on their boobs, it will be uncomfortable and that is the reason why one should prefer long-term solutions like Ulike IPL, laser treatments, or electrolysis. This way, one can focus on her life and daily activities like a normal woman without being bothered by her boob hair.

Take Medicines To Control Hair Growth

If possible, see a doctor and they can prescribe some medicines that can control androgen levels and increase oestrogen levels in the body. That is one way to keep the hair on the boobs within control.

Invest Time In Good Grooming Routine

A woman should spend some time in routines like exfoliation, moisturisation, and massages. She should exfoliate with an acid-based liquid exfoliant because it’s easy to apply on the round-shaped body parts like boobs. Moisturisation will keep the boobs skin soft, silky, and tempting to touch. If possible, regular massages will encourage proper blood flow to the boobs and the skin and that will improve the overall health of the woman’s boobs.


It’s quite possible to control hair growing on the boobs using several methods like electrolysis, laser treatment, depilatory creams, waxing, or IPL treatments. But laser treatments and electrolysis are very expensive and can be painful. Other methods except IPL treatments are short-term and expensive so the only feasible option remains is Ulike IPL that will give long-term results without pain in a budget-friendly way. Once one purchases Ulike IPL device it will be a one-time investment and they can do the treatment sessions at home anytime. It can treat the hair on the boobs in less than 10 minutes and will not cause pain.