Dermaplaning Hair Regrowth? Facts You Need to Know

Dermaplaning Hair Regrowth? Facts You Need to Know

Are you interested in removing unwanted facial hair with a tool and a treatment that promises results? Dermaplaning is a well-trusted go-to solution for women worldwide. This procedure involves delicately scraping off dead skin cells and fine facial hair using a surgical scalpel by a skilled esthetician, or even on your own and in the comfort of your home! With regular use, dermaplaning promises a smoother complexion and a radiant glow. Although it is a newer technique on the market, it's safe and nearly painless, as well as perfect for those wanting long-lasting results. Here's why you may want to give it a go.

Table of Contents:

1. Hair regrowth and dermaplaning regret - is there any?

Are there any regrets when it comes to dermaplaning? The truth is that If you're not safe or precise enough, you could easily cut yourself or cause unwanted irritation to the skin, especially if you have sensitive skin.

If not used correctly, draping can lead to ingrown hairs, which further leads to irritation and dissatisfaction. However, it's important to point out that individual experiences may vary, as every woman is different in her way. Here are the top three most common regrets when it comes to dermaplaning:

1. Razor burns

Some women have experienced dissatisfaction regarding razor burns. One of those women is a Reddit user Zafira13. She thought her hair was getting quite thick and hard to control, so she shaved it off with an actual shaver. However the process was uncomfortable, and the results were awful red burns. As hours went by, she experienced small and red bumps on top of her skin. In the end, she applied a cream to soothe the swelling and booked a consultation with dermatologists to treat this severe razor burn. This is why you need to be careful, especially if you have sensitive skin.

2. Scars

Scars happen, even to experienced guys and girls who shave! How many times have you seen a guy with severe irritation and scars around his neck and his beard? If not precise enough, you can damage your skin. One user on Reddit called Southern-Salary2573 said that dermaplaning is the perfect solution if you wish to get baby-soft skin, but only if you do it the right way. If not, you will experience breakouts and you will spread bacteria across your face and worsen the breakouts. As you smear the tool back and forth (a tool that's not been sanitised properly) you will probably worsen your breakouts.

3. Ingrown hairs

Have you heard of Natalies Outlet? She is a YouTuber who does a lot of makeup and beauty product reviews. One of them was a review of the dermaplaning procedure. For her, she decided she was going to remove hair facial hair at the comfort of her home. The whole point was for her to show the audience how to do this procedure at home. She cleansed her face, applied a facial oil, and began shaving her face around the areas with active acne. However, she ended up feeling itchy skin, along with ingrown hairs. It took several days for this to clear out. After seeing this first-hand, she recommended her followers to never DIY skincare solutions or at-home remedies for these ingrown hairs.

PS: Just remember that expert guidance can help you with improving the shaving experience and deal with its side effects.

2. Does Dermaplaning Cause More Hair Growth?

Most women are worried that dermaplaning is going to induce faster and thicker hair growth. On the contrary (and luckily), dermaplaning does not prompt increased hair growth. If this is your first time doing it you might have a perception of your hair becoming coarser post-treatment, but this is typically only because you probably didn't do the job the right way in the first place. The blunt edge can feel stubble, rather than actual hair growth. Once the hair regrows, it regrows slowly, but it does have a unique texture and density since you never shaved it before.

3. Does Dermaplaning Cause Hair to Grow Back Darker?

Dermaplaning does not cause hair to grow back thicker or darker. And if you're worried about it causing you stubble, here are your answers to that question as well: Does Dermaplaning Cause Stubble?

No matter how often you end up doing it, your hair will not regrow too thick, too dark, or any different from its normal (genetics-predisposed) texture. Dermaplaning does not affect the hair follicles' structure or pigment production, and it can't result in drastic results either. Only if you treat your face with laser hair removal you can change your pores and your hair follicle texture. Other than that, you have nothing to worry about.

4. How to Managing Hair Regrowth after Dermaplaning Treatment

You will have to maintain your skin and look after it once you're done with your dermaplaning treatment. Meanwhile, here are the steps you need to take to manage hair regrowth:

  • Begin by removing your makeup and cleaning your face.
  • Wash it with your favourite cleanser and remove any debris and makeup residue.
  • Use a mild cleanser to avoid irritation.
  • Exfoliate your skin two times a week to aid in its healing process and to remove excess sebum.
  • Use a dermaplaning tool when needed, and also consider tweezing or threading for finer, more precise hair removal.
  • Clean your dermaplaning tool so you avoid any type of irritation, redness, or ingrown hairs.

5. FAQs about Dermaplaning

5.1 How Long after Dermaplaning Can I Wear Makeup?

After dermaplaning, it's generally recommended to wait at least 24 hours before applying makeup. Every dermatologist will advise you to skip heavy makeup application, foundation, or contours. If you have sensitive skin it's best to let it rest and not cause irritation. Your dermatologist or skincare expert will tell you how to approach your skin during these important time frames.

2. What is the Maintenance after Dermaplaning Like?

Hair growth after dermaplanig shouldn't concern you too much, as long as you stick to a proper regimen. It's important for you to:

  • Apply a cream on top
  • Avoid sunscreen or heavy sun exposure
  • Don't wear any harsh or heavy products
  • Drink water and stay hydrated
  • Don't touch your skin
  • Do follow-up treatments

In summary, dermaplaning is considered to be a safe and effective solution. It is a skincare treatment that delivers results, and promises smooth and radiant skin, as well as peach-fuzz-free skin! Dermaplaning does not alter the characteristics of facial hair, and it will not lead to excessive hair growth. It will come in handy if you're trying to exfoliate your skin, remove debris, as well as clean out your pores. Everyone can give it a go, no matter their age, skin type, or hair thickness! Are you ready to try it out?