How Long Does Ulike Air 10 Take to Work?

How Long Does Ulike Air 10 Take to Work?

Ulike’s latest and one of the most amazing creations Air 10 is rolled out in the UK market and people are eager to know about the Ulike results. This article explains how long it can take for Ulike Air 10 to show results, whether or not it is worth buying, and should a person trust this new IPL device launch. Furthermore, it also clears what makes Ulike Air 10 so powerful and worth every pound for a British citizen.

What’s Ulike Air 10?

Ulike Air 10 is an IPL device that uses Intense Pulse Lights to treat unwanted hair on the human body. It uses dual IPL lamps that will shoot 2 IPL beams. These IPL beams will penetrate the skin within a fraction of a second to reach the hair roots without causing any pain. The light energy will reach the hair roots, get stored in it, and turn into heat energy. This heat energy will eventually damage the hair root, cause the hair to shed, slow down the growth of new hair, and ultimately, cause the root to become impotent to grow new hair.

A user who uses Ulike Air 10 on any body part will notice hair reduction, leading to no more hair on that body within the next few months of consistent use.

How Long Will Ulike Air 10 Take To Show Effects?

Ideally, Ulike Air 10 is capable of showing results such as a visible reduction in hair density after 1st week of use.

Ulike assumes that the user treats their thick and coarse hair at least thrice a week for the first week to see the results. For those with fine hair and low hair density, 2 sessions for the first week are enough to show the results.

Exclusive Technologies That Give Fast Results In Air 10

1.     DualLight

Most IPL devices in the market at the moment use a single IPL beam, which shoots one IPL beam per flash. Ulike researched that it’s safe to shoot two IPL lamps per flash to increase the effectiveness. That’s exactly what Ulike did in Air 10 which features dual IPL lamps to multiply the effectiveness.

2.     26 Joules Energy Level

In order to make Ulike Air 10 more powerful, Ulike has made it to an energy level of 26 joules. The new and more powerful Ulike Air 10 is capable of showing results within a week with the help of 26 joules of energy level.

3.     Smart Treatment Modes

It’s common for users to set the wrong intensity levels, which can cause delayed results. Ulike has removed the concept of manual intensity setting in Air 10. Instead, the users just have to select the treatment modes such as:

  • Fast mode for quick treatments, fine hair, and low hair density.
  • Normal mode for regular treatments.
  • High mode for coarse hair and high hair density.
  • SHR mode for coarse hair, stubborn hair, and high hair density.

Ulike Air 10 Vs. The Competition

Ulike Air 10 is a brilliant equipment that has close competition with the rival models.


Visible Results

Ulike Air 10

1 week

Ulike Air 3

2 weeks

Nood The Flasher™ 2.0

3 weeks

Braun Silk·expert Pro 5

3 weeks

5Min Skin HAIR ZAPPER 2.0

4 weeks

Roseskinco Lumi

4 weeks

Kenzzi IPL Pro+

7 weeks

Tria Hair Removal Laser 4X

2 weeks

JOVS Venus Pro™ II

3 weeks

What Factors Can Affect Ulike Air 10’s Performance & Effectiveness?

Skin Tone & Hair Colour

Every IPL device including Ulike Air 10 demands that the skin tone needs to be as light as possible, while the hair colour needs to be as dark as possible. The more the difference, the better the results. If there’s a low difference between the skin and hair colour, or if the hair colour is blonde, red, grey, or white, the treatment may become ineffective either partially or completely.

Treatment Schedule

There should be a regular treatment schedule with pre-defined sessions. One cannot be irregular with the treatment sessions as it’ll cause the hair roots to heal and grow healthy hair again. Mark sessions on a calendar and never skip any sessions.

Hair Thickness & Density

If the hair is coarse and highly dense, the results will take time to show up. Those, especially women who have fine and less dense hair will require fewer sessions to see effectiveness. Those such as men who have coarse hair with high density will need sessions more frequently to see proper results.

Body’s Reaction To IPL Treatment

Everybody reacts to the IPL treatment differently, where some bodies may accept the IPL beams better than others. This can trigger a difference in the time needed to see the results. If the body is not accepting the IPL treatment as expected, then give it some time while continuing and being regular with the treatment without giving up.

Treatment Area Preparation

Preparing the treatment area is important. If a person has long hair, trim them so they’re no more than 1mm to 3 mm long. This will allow more IPL beams to reach the hair roots rather than getting absorbed in the hair itself. Furthermore:

  • The treatment area should have no dust, dirt, oil, makeup, or anything else sitting on the skin.
  • The skin should be washed and dry.
  • Any hair on the treatment area cannot be long.

Post-treatment Care

Not taking proper care of the skin after the treatment can hinder the IPL treatment results. Keeping it dehydrated can further elevate the issue.

How Can I Maximise Ulike Air 10’s Effectiveness?

  1. Use a moisturiser after the treatment. If it’s important to go out after the treatment, wear sunscreen.
  2. Don’t shave, wax, or be rough with the skin before and after the treatment. This can cause skin issues.
  3. Always prepare the skin. Wash it with soap and water so there’s no dust, dirt, makeup, and oil sitting on the skin.
  4. It’s important to clean the IPL treatment window of Ulike Air 10, so there’s no settlement of dust, dead skin cells, or anything else, that could block the IPL beams.
  5. Exfoliating the skin can be a good choice to improve the effectiveness of IPL treatment.
  6. If possible, you can keep checking the progress such as new hair regrowth speed, hair density, and hair thickness so you can understand whether or not the treatment is working.