How to Make Waxing Less Painful at Home?

How to Make Waxing Less Painful at Home?

Waxing is a very effective hair removal method that is painful but the professionals at the beauty salons can make it less painful. But because getting waxed at a salon can be expensive, a lot of people in the UK wax at home to keep the treatment economic. Since we will be waxing at home by ourselves, it can be a little more painful so how to make waxing less painful at home.

In this article, we have created a comprehensive guide on making wax least painful as possible at home including waxing tutorial, common mistakes to avoid, waxing for sensitive skin, and a least painful alternate to waxing i.e. Ulike IPL hair removal solution.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: How to Make Waxing Less Painful Tutorial

1. Preparation

Choose The Right Type Of Wax

To make it an almost painless wax session at home, select a type of wax based on your skin and hair type:

  • For sensitive skin: Use waxing strips or gentle wax that has soothing ingredients like chamomile or aloe vera.
  • For normal or oily skin: Use hard wax that will stick to hair more than your skin.
  • For fine, coarse, thick, or dense hair: Use hard wax because it can remove a lot of hair without the need for multiple waxing.
  • For thin and sparse hair: Soft waxing will be the best choice because it can remove short and thin hair nicely.

    Do A Patch Test First

    If you are new to waxing yourself, we suggest that you do a patch test on a small area and see if you are able to do it yourself or not. If you think that the pain is within your tolerance levels, then it should be okay to wax the entire body part.

    Check Your Hair Length

    Different types of waxing have a specific range of hair length so that they can work properly. For example:

    • About ¼ inches or 5mm to 7mm long hair are okay for soft waxing, sugaring, or cold wax strips.
    • About ⅛ inches to ¼ inches (3mm to 8mm) for hard wax.

      Exfoliate Before Waxing

      When we exfoliate our skin, the hair becomes ready to be removed. Also, exfoliation removes any foreign particles sitting on the skin so that the wax doesn’t have to make a grip with them and this will improve the overall effectiveness of waxing, which will also reduce pain.

      2. Make Waxing Hurt Less

      This section explains how to make waxing hurt less.

      Use Topical Creams To Numb Your Skin

      You can apply a numbing cream that you can buy over the counter without a doctor’s prescription. Apply this cream to the part where you will wax and do it about 1 to 2 hours before waxing. Let the cream absorb in your skin and wash the area with soap and water to wash off any residues.

      Apply Warm Compresses

      Warm compresses will prepare your skin ready to face the harshness of waxing. Remember that the compresses should be warm, not hot. Cold compressions are ideal after waxing and warm compressions are okay before waxing.

      Follow The Right Waxing Process

      1. First you should wash and pat dry your skin completely.
      2. Then if you have chosen soft wax, apply it in the direction of your hair growth and put a clean cloth to cover it.
      3. Then pull the cloth to remove waxing against the direction of your hair growth.
      4. If you have chosen hard wax, let it cool on your skin and harden.
      5. Start pulling the hard wax in the opposite direction of your hair growth in one strong pull while holding your skin taught from one end.

      This is also an excellent process for how to do a painless bikini wax at home.

      Exercise Breathing To Relax

        If you are unable to understand why does waxing hurt so much when doing it at home, you should do this breathing exercise- inhale deeply and hold your breath for a few seconds. Then exhale.

        Do this 4 to 6 times and see if you are able to calm down your mind and relax. A relaxed mind will improve your pain tolerance level for a while.

        3.Aftercare for the Least Discomfort

        Immediate Aftercare

        Immediate aftercare will soothe your skin and relieve from all the harshness that it just faced. Apply light moisturiser with gentle hands and a layer of sunscreen (only if you need to go outside under direct sun). You can also apply fresh aloe vera gel or coconut oil. Coconut oil is the best way to soothe your skin that will give immediate results in a few minutes.

        Moisturise Properly

        Do another round of moisturisation a few hours after waxing and keep drinking enough water so that your skin doesn’t become dry.

        Avoid Irritants

        Irritants include soap, deodorants, perfumes, and chemical products. Our skin becomes more sensitive after waxing and the chemical content in these items will irritate your skin and create skin problems.

        Part 2: How To Wax If I Have Sensitive Skin?

        1. You can buy a numbing cream without prescription and apply it 60 to 90 minutes before waxing. Remember to wipe off any excess residue before waxing.
        2. Hypoallergenic wax over regular wax will help you reduce pain on sensitive skin.
        3. Take a warm shower, pat dry your skin, and wax. This will open up skin pores and will make it easier to remove hair with less pain.
        4. Similarly, you can apply warm compresses, which will relieve your skin and open up skin pores to make it easier for wax to pull out hair with less pain.
        5. Taking painkillers is one effective way similar to numbing cream that can help you tolerate pain.

        Part 3: What Are the Common Mistakes I Should Avoid?

        • Never wax your skin if you have come back from under the sun recently. Sunlight makes skin sensitive.
        • You should never use waxing products or added compounds that have strong fragrances or chemicals in them.
        • If you have sensitive skin, you should never wax during periods or when you are pregnant because the skin becomes even more sensitive on these days and you will feel a lot of pain if you wax.
        • Waxing on the skin that has just recovered from a wound or injury is one common mistake you should avoid.
        • Don’t wax if your skin is irritated from chemical products.
        • Double dipping wax on the same region will increase risk of infections.

          Part 4: Ulike IPL Hair Removal Is The Least Painful Alternative

          Since waxing is so painful and not everyone is ready to bear the pain regularly, here is our suggestion- Ulike IPL hair removal. This is a lovely device that will keep the pain at bay and you will stay comfortable throughout your hair removal. Ulike IPL Air 10 is one of the trending devices in England, which gives almost painless and almost permanent hair removal.

          It uses IPL (intense pulse rays) to treat the hair. The IPL beams that it shoots will penetrate our skin (without causing pain) and get stored in the hair roots. The energy will turn into heat and start damaging hair roots. In order to get full benefits, you must do 8 to 13 sessions. As you progress with the sessions, more and more heat energy will collect in the hair roots, which will keep damaging it until it can no longer grow new hair.

          • Ulike Air 10 will be far less painful than waxing. You will feel like a rubber band snapping your skin.
          • Waxing will give hair-free skin for just 3 to 4 weeks but Ulike Air 10 will give you hairless skin for about a year or even more.

          Why Is Ulike Air 10 IPL Least Painful?

          1. Ulike Air 10 uses IPL beams that penetrate the skin without causing any pain.
          2. It has Sapphire Ice-cooling technology that gives a cool sensation to the skin, which will be very soothing.
          3. Ulike Air 10 can sense our skin tone and adjust the level of IPL intensity before each flash. This way, you will not feel pain due to incorrect intensity settings.
          4. Ulike Air 10 is very gentle to the skin and skin-friendly.


          We can definitely reduce the pain of waxing at home to some extent but if you want nearly no pain with long-lasting results, then you will need to switch to Ulike IPL device. It will keep the pain to the least level and will give you a year or more of hairless skin. Also, Ulike Air 10 takes a lot less time than waxing per session. Even though waxing gives immediate results, the pain that it gives will give you second thoughts, which is why IPL devices become much needed.