How to Style A Heavy Stubble Beard

How to Style A Heavy Stubble Beard

Those with stubble beards have a good chance to choose between light and heavy stubble since both have different meanings. Gentlemen are often confused when selecting between light stubble or heavy stubble, how both make a difference, and how to style their beards with the respective stubble choices.

This article helps such men who are into styling their stubble beards. Furthermore, it also explains the significance of both, helping men better understand stubble in detail.

Table of Contents:

What Is Heavy Stubble?

Light Stubble Vs. Heavy StubbleHeavy stubble is the grown out version of light stubble, which becomes noticeable after 10 days of beard growth. Ideally, heavy stubble is where the beard hair has grown out at least 4mm to 5 mm, which answers what length is heavy stubble. Heavy stubble is the longest form of different types of stubble a man can have on their face.

Heavy Stubble Characteristics

One can identify heavy stubble through the following characteristics:

  • Heavy stubble is often long but not long enough to braid or make a ponytail out of it.
  • The density of heavy stubble is high, and one cannot notice any patches on the face.
  • The texture becomes coarse and the hair feels dry.
  • Heavy stubble helps define a masculine jawline, even if one doesn’t have a strong natural jawline.

Light Stubble Vs. Heavy Stubble

It’s one of the earliest stages of beard hair growth, where men have just started growing the beard. The length is barely visible above the skin surface. Light stubble gives a completely different look to the face and is best suited for unprofessional and casual meetings and settings. It’s one of the most popular beard styles in college or on people with a tall and slim personality.

Light stubble has some unique characteristics like:

  • It can be patchy in places and showcase the real skin tone of the person.
  • Light stubble is easy to maintain and doesn’t easily get stuck in clothing like turtlenecks, etc.
  • The natural jawline stays visible.
  • Light stubble gives a more youthful and innocent look to the person. It’s often one of the favourites for those who want to achieve a younger and immature look.
  • It becomes a little high maintenance since it needs regular trimming frequently to maintain the right length.

Comparison basis

Light Stubble

Heavy Stubble


1mm to 3mm

4mm to 6mm


Sparse and low density

Dense and covers more area


Soft hair

Coarse and rough hair


Frequent trimming is important

Moderate maintenance

Level of comfort


It can feel prickly and coarser to the face


Youthful and slightly casual

Mature, rugged, and more manly

Temperature maintenance

Keeps the skin cool, hence not so good in the chilly areas

Keeps the face warm, hence not so good in the hot and humid areas


Accepted and embraced globally

Accepted and embraced globally

Social perspective

Gives an immature look

The society considers more manly and masculine

Light Stubble Or Heavy Stubble: How To Choose?

Light Stubble Or Heavy Stubble How To ChooseConsider these factors when choosing between light or heavy stubble:

1.     Always Consider The Meetup Setting

If the meeting is formal and includes high profile people, having a light stubble will give an idea that the person is more oriented towards their professional life. Having a heavy stubble can give an idea to the clients that the person may be difficult to deal with and maybe rigid with their attitude.

2.     Consider Age & Personality

One should consider their age when choosing a stubble length. Stubble length and age should be compatible and relevant to justify one’s personality. If a person happens to be innocent and simple, consider light stubble. Manly figures or those with a high masculine appeal shall prefer heavy stubble.

3.     How A Person Wants To Reflect Their Identity

Sometimes a person might want to create their identity in other people’s minds. For example, a simple guy might want others to not consider him weak. In such a case, one should choose heavy stubble to reflect a masculine identity in other people’s minds.

4.     Always Respect Partner’s Choice

Women should be given the right to open up about their preference of stubble choice for their boyfriend/husband. Based on what a person’s female partner prefers, one should choose the stubble length of their choice. Some women also find it pleasurable when heavy stubble rubs against their vagina during oral sex.

Heavy Stubble Beard Styles

Goatee Stubble Beard

Goatee Stubble BeardThe goatee is one of the most versatile beard styles, which is compatible with light and heavy stubble. A goatee with a heavy stubble variant goes well on men of all ages and doesn’t reflect one’s personality in a negative manner. It goes well with all hair colours and skin tones, where light skin tones are the most favourable ones.

The Lazy Stubble

The Lazy StubbleThis variant states that the hair should be allowed to grow freely without any grooming interference. Once the hair reaches the right length, the person shall keep trimming them to keep the length. The lazy stubble variant is perfect for busy people and/or those who cannot invest time and effort in growing a manly beard. It’s also low maintenance and requires the least interference from the person.

Heavy Stubble With Beard Line

Heavy Stubble With Beard LineA man shall define a proper beard line with a grown out stubble, which will reflect one’s proper grooming standards and routine. This style is best to create an impression of a wealthy and mature look. The person should shave stray hair completely in order to maintain a proper beard line. However, this style becomes a little high maintenance.

How To Grow Heavy Stubble?

  1. Trim the beard to a desired length, say 3mm. This ensures that all the hair are of the same length, giving a good start to the hair growth journey.
  2. Let hair grow to anywhere between 4mm to 7mm. Consider regular touch ups to keep any stray hair from growing.
  3. Use a dermaplaning tool or disposable razor to raze off any hair to maintain a beard line.
  4. If the man desires any particular shape, the best time is when the hair is nearly 3mm to 4mm long.
  5. Use a beard oil to maintain the right health, moisture, and nourish the hair while on the hair growth journey.
  6. Avoid keeping frequent checks on the hair growth progress, because that will make the person impatient, which will lead to stress, and will ultimately affect the overall hair growth speed.
  7. When on the beard hair growth journey, do not rub the face with a towel harshly.
  8. Take all possible measures to keep the beard hair from rubbing against clothing.


Heavy stubble is many for sure but may not be suited for every man. It’s important that one understands their attire, environment, age, and partner’s preference before choosing between heavy or light stubble.

Moreover, a lot of people find heavy stubble a little troubling since it can be prickly while sleeping or stuck in the clothes, especially when wearing high neck clothing such as turtlenecks. Overall, one can redefine their personality with the right choice of stubble whether light or heavy.