Do Beard Rollers Work: Finding Out the Truth!

Do Beard Rollers Work: Finding Out the Truth!

Beard rollers are currently on a roll in the UK market. It is the talk of the town and everyone who desires to grow a beard is out to get it. Read ahead to understand what makes this product so popular.

Beard rollers gained popularity because it promotes healthy beard growth, in addition to that it also improves overall skin health. It also regulates blood flow and enhances collagen production. Hence, this product is most sought after in the UK.

This article aims to answer all questions related to a beard roller. It explains in detail what a beard roller is, its features and the benefits and downsides that come with using it.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: What Is a Beard Roller?

A beard roller is a micro-needling device that is used to promote facial hair growth. It is a hand-held device with needles on its surface. Simply put, it is a slightly modified version of a derma roller which is used to promote hair growth. Beard rollers on the other hand are designed specifically to target beard growth.

Beard Roller Components

Beard rollers comprise of the following components:

  • Roller head: A roller head is the topmost part of the beard roller. It aids with gliding the device on the skin and provides full coverage.
  • Micro-needles: Beard rollers consist of microneedles that range from 0.25mm to 1.6mm in size. These needles are usually made of surgical stainless steel or titanium. The needle tips are ultra-fine and are arranged in a systematic manner.
  • Anti-slip handle: Since beard rollers are hand-held devices. Its handles are specifically designed to have an anti-slip grip for comfortable use. Some of the beard rollers use rubber grips.

Features Of A Beard Roller

  • Helps create micro-punctures, which aids hair growth.
  • Safe to the skin and doesn’t cause skin irritation.
  • Ideal for all ages, provided that the skin does not have any wounds or cuts.
  • It’s a long-lasting and highly portable product, which has potentially no side effects.
  • Cleaning up the roller after use is non-messy.
  • Beard rollers fit in palms nicely for a tight and controlled grip.

Part 2: How to Use a Beard Roller?

How to Use a Beard Roller
  • The first step is to sanitise the beard roller before use. This is a must-do because the micro-needles create small openings on the skin. If it is not sanitised it can cause further infections. Cleaning it with a  70%-80% alcohol sanitiser will sanitise the beard roller.
  • Wash the face and beard with warm water. This ensures a clean environment. Prep the beard and ensure that it is dry. Trim off any excessive hair peeking out as this can result in tangles.
  • Roll the beard roller onto the beard in a gentle manner. Apply very light pressure when doing so. If any pain arises during the process, slow down and decrease the pressure.
  • Move the roller in different directions; horizontally, vertically and diagonally depending on personal preference. Be sure to limit rolling on the area to 5 times, 10 at the most. Any more than that is strictly not advised as it can result in skin irritation.
  • After the entire process, examine the skin for any signs of bleeding, and disinfect the wound if so. Wash the face and pat it dry. If there are any beard products or oils to apply, it can be done at this step.  

Which Derma Roller Size Is Best for Hair Regrowth?

Derma rollers come in different sizes typically ranging from 0.2mm to 2.5mm. Any derma roller with a 0.5mm to 1.5mm needle length is best suitable for hair regrowth purposes. 0.6 mm derma rollers are best recommended for hair growth. Any more than that is not recommended especially for home use, generally, derma rollers with more than 1.5mm needle length are not required and if at all needed, they are to be administered by a professional.  

How Often to Use Derma Roller?

Derma rollers are to be used depending on the length of the needle. This is because the bigger the needle length, the bigger the open wound and the longer the healing time. A 0.25mm needle derma roller can be used every day. A 0.5 mm needle dream roll can be used thrice a week. Derma rollers with 1mm needle lengths are to be used once every 10-15 days. Lastly, a 1.5mm needle dream roller can be used once every 3-4 weeks.

How Long to See Results From Derma Roller for Hair?

The results of using a derma roller on the hair vary from person to person and area to area. However, favourable results occur 8-10 after usage. For some, they may notice regrowth of hair after 2 months. Quicker results can be achieved by pairing minoxidil with the derma rolling process, however, do take professional opinion before doing so. Results from derma roll on the beard begin to show up 3-4 months after usage.

Part 3: How To Clean Beard Roller Properly After Use?

How To Clean Beard Roller Properly After Use
  1. After using the beard roller, wash it under running water. This will clear off the roller head from any dead skin or dirt remains. One can also use a brush or a sponge to clean off the roller head. Rinse off again with soap water.
  2. Disinfect the roller head with 70%-90% sanitising alcohol solution. 70% concentrated alcohol solution is best recommended for this.  One can make use of isopropyl or hydrogen peroxide for this step. Pour the solution into a small bowl or glass. Place the beard roller in an upside-down position in the bowl and leave it there for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Lastly, wash the beard roller with warm water and allow it to air dry properly. The beard roller must be cleaned and sanitised before every use and after use. If not done so, it can cause harm and infections.

Part 4: Do Beard Rollers Actually Work?

Yes, beard rollers actually work. They may not yield quick results but, with frequent usage with time, one will be able to notice beard growth. It also improves skin health which aids in beard growth. Beard rollers work more effectively when paired up with hair growth-enhancing products or oils.

Beard Roller Pros

1. Helps with the Absorption of Products

Beard rollers consist of micro-needles that penetrate the skin and create small openings. These openings help the products seep into the skin and provide better absorption. This can increase the effectiveness of the products and help achieve quick results within a comparatively shorter span of time.

2. Builds a Strong Foundation For Hair Growth

Beard rollers stimulate the dermis to boost blood flow, cell regeneration, collagen and elastin production. All of this aids greatly in increasing the health, strength and activity in the dermis. This also helps build a strong foundation and a healthy environment for hair follicles to stimulate beard growth.

3. Stimulates Growth

Using a beard roller can wake up damaged hair follicles and stimulate beard growth. When microneedles create open wounds on the skin,  elements such as collagen, blood and calls rush to restore and heal the area. Active blood flow to the hair follicle guarantees quick facial hair growth.

Beard Roller Cons

1. Skin Irritation

Generally, the skin is a very sensitive organ. In the case of beard roller, micro-needles penetrate into the skin and create open wounds. If bacteria and fungi find a way into the skin through these open wounds. It can lead to complications like eczema, redness and other skin-related issues.

2. Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair is a painful situation where hair grows back into the skin instead of growing out. This is a common situation that can occur when using a beard roller. Due to the many directions a beard roller can be rolled in, it can unknowingly cause this situation to arise.

3. Bleeding and Infections

Using a beard roller can open the skin to a lot of infections if not used correctly. One needs to apply the right amount of pressure when using a beard roller. If the pressure is too much, bleeding is likely to occur. This however can be prevented over time.


A beard roller can help promote beard growth if used correctly and with the aid of beard growth-enhancing products. This article answers the question ‘Do beard rollers work’ in a thorough manner. It explains what a beard roller is and describes the components and features that it consists of.  

Further in the article, one can understand how a beard roller works, what size to choose to receive optimal results and how often one should make use of it. It offers insight into the time taken for results to appear by using a beard roller. It also helps readers make an informed decision by listing out the benefits and downsides of using a beard roller.