Is a Hairy Belly During Pregnancy Normal?

Is a Hairy Belly During Pregnancy Normal?

The pregnant body experiences sudden hormonal changes and oscillation. Which also pushes the oestrogen to grow fast inside the body, alongside different hormonal chemicals. Oestrogen is what causes belly hair during pregnancy, which is commonly thicker and darker than normal hair. As a result, it becomes common for certain ladies to notice hair growing on their bellies, which can trigger a sense of nervousness in them.

This article will discuss the main causes of this phenomenon, explaining how having belly hair during pregnancy is normal, debunking myths surrounding it, the meaning of it all and how to take care of it by shaving.

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Is It Normal to Get a Hairy Belly During Pregnancy?

Yes, it is normal to get a hairy belly during pregnancy. Pregnant individuals go through various body changes, one of them due to a rise in oestrogen inside the body. The chemical is responsible for hair growth on the belly. Noticeably the hair on the belly grows differently and darker than the individuals’ normal hair.

Why Is My Belly Hairy During Pregnancy?

Why Is My Belly Hairy During PregnancyHere are some reasons why some ladies notice hair growing on their belly.

1.    Higher Hormonal Level

Pregnant individuals face unstable hormonal functions. This oscillation is responsible for the growth of chemicals like oestrogen and androgen. Oestrogen is what causes rapid hair growth in the belly area, alongside the face, back and pubic area. Androgen is responsible for the hair structure and thickness, which is different from usual hair.

2.    Genetic Occurrence

Genetic susceptibility is another factor that can cause belly hair in pregnancy. Some individuals may possess certain genes from their family lineage, which may result in rapid belly hair growth or reduction.

3.    Hair In the Resting Phase

Hair in the resting phase is the period when the hair follicles are in a state of inactivity which causes no growth of the hair shaft. This is due to increased levels of progesterone hormone. This occurrence causes the hair in other places to experience rapid growth, including the belly region.

4.    Higher Oil Level

The increase of a hormone called androgen inside the body causes the pores and glands to grow and generate more skin oil than necessary. This phenomenon causes the intensity in the visibility of the skin hair. Which ultimately causes the hair on the belly to appear more defined.

5.    Excessive Blood Circulation

Many pregnant individuals can experience a higher level of blood circulation similar to the increase of hormones. This excessive level of blood circulation around the abdominal area causes hair follicles to grow and develop. Which results in a higher visibility of hair around the abdominal and belly region.

6.    Cravings

Pregnant individuals experience various cravings. Some of the food they consume can trigger a growth in certain hormones, leading to hair growing around the different body regions. Thus, consulting a doctor and developing a healthy diet is advised. However, hair growth on the belly due to craving is more of a side effect rather than a medical condition.

Debunking Myths

The body develops and changes during pregnancy, which is purely scientific. However, some individuals believe that belly hair during pregnancy is related to the baby’s gender, which is a pure falsehood. The oestrogen stimulation and hormonal oscillation cause rapid hair growth on the belly, which is purely a biological phenomenon and has nothing to do with a baby’s gender.

Hairy Belly During Pregnancy Means

Pregnant Individuals face various changes such as growing belly hair. This is a completely normal thing and a biological phenomenon explained by doctors. The extreme hormonal changes cause the hair to grow rapidly or fall. This is a temporary occurrence that goes away after a few months of giving birth. However, some women get extremely nervous when hair starts growing on their belly. Owing to emotional swings and hair growth, some women face additional trauma, which is why calming down and seeing a doctor at the earliest is the best remedy to avoid complications during pregnancy.

How to Shave When Pregnant?

How to Shave When PregnantShaving during pregnancy is not a normal task, as one is vulnerable to several risks. Here are the right ways to shave during pregnancy.

1.     Choose Pregnancy Friendly Products

During pregnancy avoid using products, such as creams and lotions with harsh chemicals. Choose pregnancy friendly products because harsh chemicals can infect and cause irritation. While in some cases the harsh chemicals can also harm the baby’s health.

2.     Choose light Moisturising Or Glycerin Soap

Using a moisturising or glycerin soap or shaving cream can help pregnant individuals to dodge skin irritations that may occur during shaving. It also makes the skin relax and softens the follicles for a smoother glide. Before shaving make sure to spread it gently across the targeted region.

3.     Picking A Neat And Sharp Blade

During pregnancy the body grows tender, so refrain from using old razors. Instead choose a fresh razor with a sharp blade. By doing this, individuals will be able to get rid of the hair neatly without any infection. 

4.     Shave Gently

Instead of shaving urgently, try to shave as slowly and gently as possible. The tender body demands care, thus, gently glide the razor on the targeted area for smoother removal of hair.

5.     Shave While Sitting Down

Instead of shaving while standing up, opt for a sitting position. This reduces the chances of danger and accidental discomfort to the pregnant body. The sitting position can also help with easier access for shaving the belly hair.

6.     Ask Family To Help

In some cases, pregnant individuals may face a harder time reaching and shaving in places such as under the belly, back, legs, etc. During such moments it is compulsory to ask for help from family.

7.     Shave In Front Of Mirror

While shaving the lower belly and pubic area, it can be difficult to see the region. Using a mirror while shaving solves this problem. Shave in front of the body mirror and glide the razor gently across the skin.

8.     Trim Or Tweeze

Shaving can help in getting rid of unwanted body hair during pregnancy. However, in some regions, shaving does not help. In such cases use a clean and greatly aligned stainless tweezer to pluck the hair directly from the root. This can also slow down the hair production during pregnancy.

9.     Moisturise After Shaving

After completing the process of shaving, use gentle moisturisers to hydrate the skin. Using baby moisturisers can help during pregnancy because it lacks harsh chemicals, reducing the dangers of irritation and health concerns.


Pregnant individuals face several body changes, growing belly hair is one of them. This phenomenon has nothing to do with the myths surrounding it. The occurrence of growing belly hair is purely scientific and caused by extreme hormonal chemicals.

Having a hairy belly during pregnancy is normal and it only lasts for a few months. Once the hormones stabilise after giving birth, the excessive hair reduces slowly. Experiencing changes in the body is normal during pregnancy. Sometimes belly hair does not reduce after pregnancy, seeking professional help during this may help in dodging certain dangers.