How to Get Rid of a 5 O'Clock Shadow Woman?

How to Get Rid of a 5 O'Clock Shadow Woman?

If a man shaves in the morning and the beard starts to become visible by evening, we call it the 5 o'clock shadow on a man. If the same thing happens to a woman, we call it the 5 o'clock shadow woman. For women, facial hair that is visible can be disturbing and irritating for them because it can reduce their feminine appearance.

Therefore, in this article, we have explained what is 5 o’clock shadow woman and how to get rid of it, which should be an essential guide for all the women who are troubled by their facial hair.

5 O’Clock Shadow Meaning

Some women can have excess facial hair than usual either because of genetics of because of medical problems like hirsutism. So, such women need to shave their face and if the hair regrowth speed is fast, they might notice visible hair on the same day in a few hours. We call it 5 o’clock shadow woman because assuming that a lady shaved in the morning and it takes half a day for her hair to become visible again, it should be about evening time or nearly 5 o’clock.

What Causes 5 O’Clock Shadow?

  • Sometimes the hair grows back at such an immense speed that it takes just a few hours for the hair to become visible after shaving. This can cause a 5 o'clock shadow.
  • If someone has very dark hair, people can easily notice even if the hair has grown about a millimetre. This again causes a 5 o'clock shadow.
  • If the hair are very dense, then it can cause a 5 o'clock shadow on both men and women. Similarly, thick hair also contributes to this problem.
  • You can get a 5 o’clock shadow if you don’t do a close shave. So even if your hair does not regrow quickly, it can still look like a 5 o'clock shadow because you did not cut it to the skin level.

How Does 5 O’Clock Shadow Differ In Men and Women?

Usually, men have dense and thick facial hair, which is why we can notice their 5 o’clock shadow more easily. Women have fine and sparse hair so their 5 o’clock shadow is difficult to notice.
A large area of a man’s face grows hair and that’s why their 5 o’clock shadow will cover a large area of their face. While in women, the facial hair grows only in a limited area, so even if they get a 5 o’clock shadow it won’t cover much of the facial region.

How to Get Rid of a 5 O’Clock Shadow Woman?

Short-term Solutions

1. Shaving

Shaving is the quickest way for you to remove all the regrown hair. Some people carry a shaving kit with them to use at their convenience. It’s better to carry a dry shaving kit because it is easier to use when you are outside.

2. Depilatory creams

You may prefer depilatory creams over shaving if getting a close shave is difficult for you. Depilatory creams are nearly painless and you will need just 10 minutes to complete the hair removal.

3. Tweezing

If your hair are sparse and fine, you may pluck them using a tweezer. Tweezing will not create a mess especially if you are outside. But remember that each hair that you pluck will cause pain and if your roots are strong, you might feel more pain.

4. Waxing

Waxing can give you hairless skin for several days or more depending on your hair density, thickness, regrowth speed, and genes. Waxing can be painful but it is worth it because you don’t have to waste your time everyday in removing those unwanted hair.

5. Threading

You can visit a salon and get a threading service. It will be relaxing, cosy, and will remove hair from the roots, which is similar to tweezing. But instead of pluck each hair individually (as in the case of tweezing), threading will remove hair in bulk and will be quicker.

6. Sugaring

A paste of sugar, lemon juice, and water along with added fragrance of your choice will give you smooth and glowing hair-free skin for up to a week. Also, the fragrance you add will leave a wonderful scent to your face. Sugaring is best if you need to attend important meetings or see someone important.

None of the solutions above are long-lasting and if you are a busy person, you might be interested in long-term solutions to avoid 5 o’clock shadow as a woman.

Long-lasting Solutions

  1. IPL hair removal at home: Introduce Ulike Air 10

    Ulike Air 10 IPL is a small handheld device that works like laser treatment. When you trigger the button, it will release intense pulse rays that will penetrate your skin (without causing pain) and get stored in the hair roots. Once stored, the light energy will turn into heat energy, which will start destroying hair roots. You can complete your facial hair treatment in just 6 to 9 weeks. One treatment takes just 5 minutes and a total of 2 session per week.

    After you complete the treatment, your facial hair will start shedding and the roots will become incapable of regrowing new hair for a very long time, maybe 1 year or more. As a result, you can get freedom from frequent hair removal.

    • You can do the treatment anytime and anywhere. No need to go out anywhere.
    • You won’t need any additional tools or cosmetics to do the treatment.
    • The device is a one-time investment and you won’t incur additional costs on the treatment.

    2. Laser hair removal

    Just like Ulike Air 10 IPL treatment, you can get a laser treatment to remove hair with the help of lasers. But in this, you will have to book appointments with the salon and follow as strict schedule to complete the treatment. It will give you similar results like Ulike Air 10 for a long time but the cost of laser treatment is very high and you will have to adjust your work timing to reach the salon on time.

    3. Electrolysis

    The salon will treat each hair individually by electrocuting them with low voltage of electricity. They will insert a thin probe and pass electricity with it. This treatment takes a lot of time because they need to insert the thin probe in each hair root. Also, it can be a little painful because of thin probe being inserted so many times. But you will get long-lasting results.


    Is It Safe to Shave 5 O’Clock Shadow as a Woman?

    Yes, it is completely safe to shave your 5 o’clock shadow even if you are a woman and have normal skin type. But take care if you have any wounds. Also, if your skin is sensitive, then shaving your 5 o’clock shadow can irritate your skin.

    How Often Should I Wax or Thread to Prevent a 5 O’Clock Shadow?

    You should wax or thread every week or 10 days to prevent 5 o’clock shadow. But if your hair regrowth speed is faster, then you may reduce the time gap by 2 to 3 days.

    Are Laser Hair Removal and Electrolysis long-lasting Solutions?

    Laser hair removal and electrolysis are near to long-lasting or almost long-lasting solutions but they don’t guarantee that hair will never regrow. Electrolysis is rather more long-lasting than laser hair removal.

    Can Skincare Products Help Reduce the Appearance of a 5 O’Clock Shadow?

    Yes, skincare products or makeup can hide your 5 o’clock shadow to some extent but may fail to cover it completely.


    5 o’clock shadow can look manly on a man but unappealing on a woman because facial hair and shadow are something that no woman would want on their face. Luckily, there are a lot of short-term and long-term solutions, where electrolysis gives the longest-lasting solution. But owing to so much pain in the process, laser treatment Ulike Air 10 IPL treatments are better. But again, laser treatment will be very expensive and you have to be on time at the salon, which can be very difficult. The transportation cost will again add to the treatment cost. So it’s better to get Ulike Air 10 IPL device delivered to your home and start treating your facial hair at your convenience.