Everything To Know About IPL Bikini Area

Everything To Know About IPL Bikini Area

IPL devices have given the biggest ease of hair removal solution to both men and women, for nearly all areas of the body. The face, arms, legs. It is natural to wonder if it is also safe to use for the bikini area. We will cover everything you must know about IPL bikini area treatments, clearing out all your confusion along with providing handy tips that will save you time, money, effort, and potential harms that an IPL device can cause.

1. What is a Bikini Area?

What is a Bikini Area

You might have heard about people belonging to various walks of life referring to this part of the female body as the “bikini area” or sometimes even the “pubic region” or the “groin region”.

Well, all these terminologies tend to point to this one particular part of the female body that is located surrounding the pubic region. Now why is it called the bikini area? That’s a topic of discussion for another day. For now, let us just break down what it is. The bikini area usually tends to grow hair on it, which is ultimately called pubic hair (given that it is growing in the pubic region).

And if you were curious enough to search what a bikini region looks like on the search web, and the first few searches don't exactly look what your bikini region looks like; remember, that shapes and sizes of the bikini area can vary greatly and it is pointless comparing. Many also choose to either trim, shave or wax the area to maintain a good hygienic routine.

The trends across maintenance of the bikini area have evolved and have been subject to change for some time now. And over time everyone ultimately finds themselves having a grooming routine where they are most comfortable.

Some of these trends include styles such as the classic bikini, which is only removing the hair that falls outside the bikini line. Bazilian,  partial removal of hair through any preferred method of hair removal leaving a shape or a strip. And Hollywood, a complete hair removal of the bikini area.

2. Can You Use IPL on Bikini Area?

Can You Use IPL on Bikini Area?
Intense pulse light (IPL) devices have been the subject of one of the most popular body hair removal methods of all time. While there was an air of doubt around it initially, people have grown to open their minds and become more accepting of their curiosity.


IPL devices rose to popularity after lasers became the ultimate long-lasting hair removal method, that was the least painful and provided the comfort many people look for after hair removal.

Its operation is similar to that of laser hair removal which emits a beam of light at the direction of the hair and damages the hair follicle so when the hair grows back, it is much weaker than before. It is a hand-held device and you can use it at the comfort of your home, with a little less intensity than laser hair removal.

Sometimes, it can root for possible concerns such as skin sensitivity, hyperpigmentation, and skin irritation. But this is usually the case when proper pre and post-IPL hair removal care is not executed.

This includes cleansing the area before treatment, making sure the area is completely dry, avoiding tanning or exposure to the sun, avoiding any active skincare ingredients, and using intensity levels that might not be suitable for you.

3. How to Use IPL on the Bikini Area?

If you have finally come to the decision on giving an IPL device for your bikini area a go, now is your time to learn how to use IPL on bikini area. Settle for one that will give you promising results, is the most comfortable to work around with and most of all gives you the best value for money.

Ulike IPL for bikini area hair removal is possibly the best out there for both beginner-level as well as professional-level IPL hair removal methods out there. Ulike has three of its famously renowned IPL device models that many have put their trust in.

How to Use IPL on the Bikini Area

The Air 10, Air 3, and Ulike X, where the Ulike Air 10 is the most recently launched, giving you a range of intensity levels to choose from and a claim of 96% of hair reduction in only 2 weeks. They all work in similar manner but here is a step-by-step on IPL hair removal on the bikini area so you are not missing out on the key aspect of it and can get the complete benefits of using it.

  1. Shave the area at most 2 hours prior to treating the area and exfoliating the bikini region with either a gentle scrub or a scrubber.
  2. Now the great thing about Ulike Air 10 is that it would manually sense and adapt to the intensity level according to your skin colour and hair colour. However, this is certainly not the case with many IPL devices where you have to manually control the settings of the intensity level.
  3. You are required to select between the 4 modes of Fast, Normal, High, and Super Hair Removal, which ultimately decides how fast you want flashes to go off.  It is advised to use the gentlest setting of all you are working around the most sensitive part of the body.
  4. Place the IPL device at 90° to your skin and slowly glide it through the region. For the bikini area, it should take you a minute on average to cover the region.

After you have zapped away all the hairs across your bikini area take proper after-care steps so you can finish off learning how to get a smooth bikini line after an IPL treatment:

  • Using a gentle fragrance-free moisturiser for hydration
  • Avoiding heat of any kind
  • Remain consistent with IPL

How Often Should I IPL My Bikini Area?

Since it is advised to use IPL bikini area at the lowest setting for safety reasons, it is recommended to use IPL once a week for about 10-12 weeks and once you start noticing reduced hair regrowth, you can reduce sessions to once a month or as needed for maintenance.

Do I Have to Shave Every Time I Use IPL?

Certainly, it is usually recommended to have hair at least 2 mm in length when using IPL. If your hair is longer, the hair that will be zapped off might come in contact with the skin and burn your skin.


Doing an IPl treatment on your bikini hair calls for proper care and handling of the device. IPL bikini area gives you the luxury of providing you with at home bikini hair removal solution but it is important you have the perfect tool to help you zap away those stubborn hair in the pubic region without risking burning your genitals. Ulike Air 10 is equipped with the latest as well as the most advanced technologies to give you the most comforting laser hair experience.