What Are Women’s Sideburns and Should I Shave Them?

What Are Women’s Sideburns and Should I Shave Them?

Women in the UK are seen removing their sideburns due to several reasons such as reduction of hair growth, or for smoother skin in order to achieve flawless makeup application.

Sideburns may help make a woman’s jawline look more prominent, besides this it adds more of a bold and strong look to the face. Removing such sideburns can help the woman look more feminine.

This article provides necessary information on what sideburns are. It suggests methods that one should resort to if one desires to remove their sideburns. Besides this, it discusses the factors that can influence a woman’s decision about removing or keeping sideburns.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: What Are Sideburns?

What Are Sideburns

Sideburns are hair that grows down one’s face in front of the ear. They run parallel to or beyond the ears depending on the individual. There is no significance as such that it holds for women, but for men, to a certain degree, it may help frame the jawline.

For women, sideburns are located in front of the ears, either running parallel or beyond the ears. This a very natural occurrence and nothing worrisome. Women’s sideburns may vary in thickness and visibility. A few women may have thick and prominent sideburns. While other women may have fine and not-so-prominent sideburns. Besides this, the presence of an ailment or a condition like PCOS or hormonal imbalance can greatly contribute to thicker sideburns in women. In some cases, high levels of androgens in a woman can cause heavier hair growth thus resulting in prominent and noticeable sideburns.

Part 2: Should I Shave My Sideburns?

From a woman’s point of view, the decision to shave sideburns is subject to so many factors that a woman should consider, including:

Personal Preference

Shaving sideburns is thoroughly dependent on whether the woman wants to or not. Some women may not want to shave their sideburns and keep them as it is to look unique and natural. On the other hand, some women may want to achieve smoother skin for better makeup application.

Facial Features

Sideburns are known to define the jawline and provide a masculine look to the face. For those who want to go for a bold and statement look, it is best recommended to not shave the sideburns. For other women, who desire to have a more feminine look, they can opt for shaving off their sideburns.

Cultural Influences

Certain cultures deem sideburns to be ‘masculine’. Women belonging to such cultures tend to shave off their sideburns as they fear looking masculine. Meanwhile, for other cultures, this is no big deal as such or certain women may not give into cultural ideologies, such individuals tend to keep their sideburns to maintain a natural look.

Pros Of Shaving Sideburns

 Increase in Self-confidence

Shaving sideburns may increase the self-confidence and self-esteem of a woman to a certain extent. Certain cultures do not accept the appearance of sideburns on a woman as it is considered to be more of a masculine trait. Removing sideburns can help the woman feel feminine and also be accepted in such cultures which may contribute to an increase in self-confidence.

 Suitable for makeup application

Shaving sideburns makes the face look like a clean canvas which is best suitable for makeup application as the application is much smoother and long-lasting. This can also provide a flawless look.

Cons Of Shaving Sideburns

 Ingrown Hair

The most painful and uncomfortable outcome of shaving sideburns is that it contributes to the growth of ingrown hair in front of the ears. In this scenario, hair grows inward into the skin rather than outward hence, causing pain.


Shaving sideburns can be a time-consuming task. Although one shaving session takes minimal time. On the whole, one needs to dedicate time every few days to shave sideburns as regrowth of sideburns occurs quickly.

 Skin Issues

Shaving sideburns may often cause a lot of problems like dryness, itchiness, cuts and nicks from the razor, razor burns and flaking.

Part 3: How To Get Rid Of Sideburns?

How To Get Rid Of Sideburns


Waxing is a procedure that uses hard or cold wax to remove hair from its roots. One applies wax onto the sideburns, after the wax is hardened, the wax is pulled off. This is an effective method but can be painful. But with adequate aftercare, pain can be eased and tolerated.


Threading is a procedure that does not use any form of heat or chemicals to remove hair. A 14-inch piece of cotton thread is used to pluck hair out. It is the most cost-effective and safest means to remove sideburns. This method has more precision and accuracy when it comes to removing sideburns.  

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a long-term sideburn removal method. Results from this treatment are usually long-lasting or last longer compared to results from other methods. This technique uses laser beams to target hair follicles which further results in hair loss. One needs to undergo several sessions to see an adequate reduction in sideburn growth.

Depilatory Creams

Depilatory creams are also known as hair removal creams, these creams are the most nearly painless means of removing sideburns quickly. One needs to mandatorily follow all information suggested by the product, otherwise, it may lead to skin irritation. Depilatory creams shouldn’t be kept on for more than 10-15 mins on the skin, and one must do a patch test before using the product.

Ulike IPL Hair Removal: Best Alternative

Ulike IPL Hair Removal

Ulike IPL hair removal is a hair removal product that uses intense pulse light to remove sideburns. The device produces warm light that is absorbed by the melanin in the skin, this further damages hair follicles, thus breaking the hair growth cycle. This device needs to be continuously used for adequate hair reduction and disappearance.

Ulike IPL hair removal is highly recommended for removing sideburns. After 12 weeks of continuous usage, one will be able to notice salon-level results. This is also recommended by dermatologists as it is a safe method to remove sideburns without any major consequences. The device also has a cooling technology that helps reduce the mild pain caused by heat production.

How Is Ulike IPL Better?

Ulike IPL is a better option for sideburn removal as:

  • It is not time-consuming, one session usually lasts a couple of minutes. Other methods do take up more time for sideburn removal.
  • It is a nearly painless treatment that uses ice-cooling technology that helps avoid skin burns caused due to heat. Most of the other sideburn hair removal techniques are usually painful.
  • It provides long-term or semi-long-lasting results. With other hair removal techniques, the results are usually temporary and hair growth may occur within a couple of days or weeks. But, with Ulike IPL hair removal device, there is a significant reduction in the quality and appearance of hair with continuous use.

Part 4: Women’s Sideburns Before & After

Women’s Sideburns Before & After


This article covers all the necessary information on sideburns and their significance. It lists the different factors that may affect the decision to remove sideburns and suggests different methods that can be considered for sideburn removal.

One must understand that having a sideburn is a natural process. Removing or keeping sideburns is solely up to the individual’s preference or convenience. While one may feel the need to remove it, the other may not feel the same, it is vital to explore different suggestions before making a firm decision.

Ulike IPL hair removal devices are highly recommended devices for sideburn removal. They work effectively and provide desired results quickly.