How Often Should Use IPL Hair Removal Device at Home

How Often Should I Use IPL Hair Removal Device at Home?

IPL hair removal is one of the easiest and most effective methods for removing unwanted hair from your face, body, and bikini area. If you’re wondering, “How often should I use IPL for hair removal...
Ulike Air 10

Ulike Air 10 vs. Air 3 IPL Device: Which Should You Buy?

Ulike Air 10 With the splendid success of Ulike Air+ and Ulike Air 3, Ulike became one of the top IPL-manufacturing companies in the world in 2022. Then it introduced another revolutionary yet un...
How to Use Ulike Air 10 Efficently?

How to Use Ulike Air 10 Efficently?

With the success of Ulike Air +, and Air 3, the market is now driving towards Ulike Air 10. Consumers are already excited about the product owing to several new and innovative features that target ...
Does Ulike Air 10 Really Work?

Does Ulike Air 10 Really Work?

Ulike’s latest release Air 10 is one such IPL device that is a step closer to long-lasting hair removal. It features several exclusive technologies like better ice-cooling technique, dual IPL beams...
Is Ulike Worth The £239 Price?

Is Ulike Worth The £239 Price?

After being fed up with the bumps caused by wax and razor cuts given by shaving while removing the undesired hair from the body, we set our goals to find a hair removal method that will prevent red...
Debunking Doubts: 7 Facts About Ulike You May Want to Know

Debunking Doubts: 7 Facts About Ulike You May Want to Know

As one of the top runners in the realm of IPL hair removal devices, Ulike products have been making waves for quite a few years now all thanks to the positive user experience that has brought Ulike...