Is Clean Shave Worth It: Learn to Clean Shave Body Parts

Is Clean Shave Worth It: Learn to Clean Shave Body Parts

A clean shave can give a completely hairless, silky, smooth, fresh, and youthful look to the face, letting a person flaunt their charm in public. Clean shave has always been a matter of concern amo...
4 Signs You Can’t Grow a Beard

4 Signs You Can’t Grow a Beard

Beard growth refers to hair growth in the jaw, chin, cheeks, and neck area. The onset of this hair growth usually occurs during or post-puberty. Young men usually express a desire to grow beards as...
How to Get Fake Tan Off Hands?

How to Get Fake Tan Off Hands?

Fake tan, as self-explanatory as it is, is the application of products such as lotions and sprays to stimulate the process of tanning or to achieve a tanned look without having to bask in the sun. ...
Can Boils Be Caused by Stress?

Can Boils Be Caused by Stress?

Boils are painful bumps usually filled with pus. They manifest as tiny red, yellow or purple bumps. This is usually caused due to a bacterial infection or infection arising from inflammation of the...
Does Sudocrem Help Spots

Does Sudocrem Help Spots?

Sudocrem is a cream that many people use to take care of their skin especially when it comes to dealing with spots. Although it is widely known for its use on baby skin, it has also gained populari...
Does Sunscreen Prevent Tanning?

Does Sunscreen Prevent Tanning?

Sunscreen and tanning are two major terms pointing to the effects of sun exposure and its outcome on individual skin appearance and health. In simple terms, sunscreen could be any product applicabl...
Is Hair Removal Stone Any Good?

Is Hair Removal Stone Any Good?

Hair removal stones are a chemical-free and natural alternative method. Compared to all other hair removal methods, using a hair removal stone is a much safer and better option as it causes minimal...
11 Ways to Get Rid of Hairy Back

11 Ways to Get Rid of Hairy Back

Hairy backs are no medical concerns, they are completely normal and natural occurrences. However, shaving a hairy back can be a hassle sometimes, leading to itchiness in most case scenarios. Hairy ...
How to Manage Ingrown Hair Under Armpit?

How to Manage Ingrown Hair Under Armpit?

Ingrown hair is simply shaved, waxed, or tweezed that curls back into the skin. In some cases, the hair simply grows back into the skin instead of growing outwards. Ingrown is commonly seen in ever...